Yane Urabeya no Koushaku Fujin

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
At times you just want to pull your hair out because of one character that's majorly relevant to the story yet kind of hard to believe in who that person should be, wouldn't recommend unless every genre you like is exhausted

Long story short:
A very dependent successor that lost everything since he did not work (or know how to work) and everyone with him is corrupted. Marries a rich girl and treats her like shit even though he's the one who needs the favor.
All I can say is, did he really not train in any kind of management as a successor even as a kid?
Nov 5, 2020
@mechpolaris he is naive, not so much that he doesn't know the situation, just enough to actually scam and be hopeful having alittle "more" money would actually get them out of the situation. He was like gambling when he married her, thinking that getting that dowry would pay off their debts and would actually make them stable again.
Apr 13, 2020
The duke is really super stupid. And I just want to be a villain and yank stella from her wheelchair or slapping her mother.

This manga really annoyed me somehow😡
Jan 27, 2021
I like the strong fl but the duke and everyone at the household just pisses me off. I hope fl ends up with her childhood friend and does not fall to the duke at the end after clearing up the misunderstandings.
Jan 23, 2021
I hate both the duke & stella. Being sick or disable isnt an excuse for stella’s wrong doings. The duke is super stupid & ignorant, while stella is pretty much a green tea bitch

I read spoiler. The duke & his “angel” dont have nice life after Opal divorce him. It’s nice knowing this earlier so we wont suffer from high blood pressure due to anger. Stella wont get him forever since he only sees her as a family/little sister. The duke cant marry anymore since no woman wants to marry him & lives with a third wheel.
Jan 23, 2021
@Darkpetal16 No the duke isnt ML.
Opal will divoce him later after their territory’s economy & finance improves. She just stays with him for a while for the sake of the cictizens.
Nov 3, 2019
@blackbunii thank you so so much for the update, this had left my mind but i was so extreamly happy to see an update. very satisfying. ^^ thank you, looking forward to the next update!
Aug 13, 2020
I truly love this manga. This story isn’t a cliché. There’s so many moments and events that you’ve seen before but don’t actually get resolved like that of how a cliché event/situation would. I love my clichés, so of course I wanted her to end up having her happy ending with her now husband. But after reading ch after ch, I’m more convinced then ever, that I don’t want her to end up with him, but with her childhood friend (that is, if she had to end up with anyone. He would be the one I want). I completely understand why he would dislike her and want to stay with his mistress (trash). The worse he treated her wasn’t what finally convinced me of wanting her childhood friend to be the one to end up with her, it was the fact of how naive he was. I want him to finally open his eyes, to finally see how much of a useless dumba*s he’s been this whole time. From how he treated a completely innocent person to how much the people living under his ruling were living because of his stupidity and naivety. Just for some extra payback, I want him to fall completely head over heals for her just to then get completely regretted.
Jan 21, 2020
The duke is an embarrassment. He acts like a child, so much so that you forget he's 25 yrs old. I'm just glad hes not the ML, if he was I would've dropped this, I don't want any character development or redemption for him.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2020
If She ends up with the duke in the end I swear to God I find a way to get Isekaid in this Story and you guys Will see me slapping her.
Nov 8, 2020
it's the chauvinism and reducing a woman to her so-called purity for me 🤪

said literally everyone in this manga

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