Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan - Ch. 212 - Heart-Pumping First Date

Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Bro honestly f u author, I know you're gonna make him say yes to the council bs and reject her advances towards Mc. I need another fking drink man.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
I wish this would just end in a full harem, but not all at once at the very end, but like, one by one like 100 gfs. Never happening, I know, but I can still dream at least
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
It is gojover guys he is going to turn her down, and say that he loves amelia or however that meme goes
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2020
Dam senpai is ruthless in her attack lets see wich way the wind blows
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
The good thing is that at least he was conscious of her and didn't spend the whole date thinking of clothes.
Now the question is how he'll reject her, or maybe she just tells him to not give his answer yet.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Let's be real boy... she was too perfect, too quick. She's our MC's first date and about to be first offical rejection.

Feels absolutely terrible. I know who I'm rooting for, and who's name and face grace the covers... but for just a moment, a fleeting moment of weakness... I'd have been OK with him and Prez. She seems like a genuinely nice person and might be one of the best all around people in the harem. (She's 100% honest with her feelings and hasn't really tried to fuck up anything with the MC, really aside from breaking the ice on asking the MC for a date)


Good luck out there Prez. There is some MC of a spinoff who will horizontal tango with you and grope your milk makers. It's been fun while it lasted :meguuusad: :salute: (what a terrible day for rain)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2020
Say yes, you fool. She's gorgeous, fun to be around and can actually express her affection unlike all the other idiots you hang around. We know she won't be the final girl but it'll be far more interesting if they are officially a couple, however briefly, than just another case of him not believing someone can like him.

Loved the credits page edit. Seems like the right response.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
I feel like the President could be used as a good “Reset” button. Have the MC start dating her but then time skip a couple months ahead to when she is graduating and then have them mutually break up without any drama and the girls still interested would be extra fired up.

And the reason I suggest a time skip is it allows a “reset”, we have a dozen or so girls currently in love with the MC, a times skip let’s us skip spending a dozen issues having these characters “fall out of love”.

For example, you could have the short black haired girl post time skip hooking up with that friends little brother who’s so into her and you won’t have to have tons of drama on the page.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
On one hand, sure, you should be mindful of your surroundings, but this isn't anything over the top.

Sure, "imagination." He's a master at putting himself down.

"Never on a date." Sure, never.

An actual answer?

Imagine he said yes to her. Would everybody who read this be set on fire?
Nah. Just half.

Also why does she say they're a couple? Since when? Going on a date doesn't make you a couple... translation issue, or does she genuinely believe that? Crazy.
Her saying it makes sense. She wants to push that belief into him. Normally I'd say it's a bit toxic to force your own perceptions onto someone like that, but with him they have to hire a bulldozer to push to get anything to even register at all.

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