Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 5 Ch. 23 - The Pusuit

Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Yandere level: Level SS

Yuri level: Level SS

Achievement necessary to evolve to level SSS: Capture and imprison a wild Lufasu - In progress
Jan 26, 2018
@Scrabbleman Not for sure, I haven't read the novels or anything but there's also the possibility that he shot the wrong person and drowned himself in alcohol only temporarily to help get over it at the time and later moved on. And well, even if he became a perm drunkard as a result, it'd be pretty understandable if he was a pretty dang good father to look up to up to that point, and it all turned south because of his regrets. Either way, well, he'd be a good moral influence overall.
Group Leader
Feb 4, 2019
@Scrabbleman Based on the piece of advice he gave his kid, he could be one of the following: hunter who accidentally shot someone, a cop who shot a criminal and was demoted and/or fired for it, JSDF soldier with PTSD, former hitman in hiding.
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
please let that be the influence of the goddess trying to take Lufasu out of the picture again and not Scorpio's true personality
Feb 4, 2018
... Scorpious love declaration was hard to read... my eyes bleed...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
That aside, I'm very glad the actually isekai'd hero is not being lead around by the nose and is questioning shit. It makes for better characters.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
So basically, this world is a live service game that lost access to it's microtransaction shop. WIth no time savers, players can't even reach max level before quitting. The "real Lufasu" is a hacker that managed to cheat said time savers back for free and gave it away to other players. But the admins/devs wasn't happy about that, so she disappeared. Her account then falls to the MCs hands somehow.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Well, you are not wrong. And I bet that somehow said Admins/devs still manages to somehow lose control of their own shit. I still find it odd that these kind of situations can happen. Where for some reason, those who have to power to control the entire world, cant get rid of a single person. Yes there wouldn't be much of a story then, but at least it isnt relying on pure blatent negligence of the most powerful being in order to succeed. Like, how the hell does this kind of situation even have the potential to happen when the literal goddess who is seemingly able to control everyone simultaneously, exists? Its like watching a super slow bullet traveling towards you, where you have all the time to react and dodge, and just stare at it until it leaves the back of your head.

And jfyi, it is not that I dislike the story, i actually like this one quite a bit, it is just something I find interesting which happens often in these kind of situations.

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