I enjoy some of the personalities so far, and I like the mystery surrounding the Goddess and her abuse of these people. But I kind of need stronger characterization, because there's a decent sized side cast, outside the 12 stars and Lufasu. We're getting that a bit with the former heroes and this boy, so that's good. But the Demon King fella is a bit too enigmatic. I sense the conflict between him and the goddess, sure, but it seems purposefully obscured.
This is a pretty simple story with less than 20 characters of importance, so I've had no trouble keeping up, rather I just wish it kept me invested a bit more. The series has a unique cast, but other than the demons who really seem to be suffering existentially, this series lacks "heart". The author is writing this story from a zoomed out perspective that's great macroscopically for planning purposes, but horrible for character investment on the microscopic level. If I wanted to experience that feeling, I'd probably just go stare at a mini-map.