That was a damn good twist. I didn't see it coming until the fangs showed up. (Honestly, I was expecting her to try and sexually assault him, but I'm glad we're not going that route.)
Considering how the book Dracula has the titular villain having his own series of "brides" and how vampires are known for having many lovers, that would not surprise me and would fit pretty well. Also consider that there are many forms of "love," and they're not all necessarily romantic. @
Considering how hard it is to fall in love in the first place, especially if you're a social recluse that can't go out during day time, has to live in the shadows and typically doesn't have long, intimate contacts because of position, that's not going to be a major issue. @
Also, I believe the cover is a reference/homage/parody to Michelangelo's Pieta, though I may be stretching here.(Though their limbs, postures and general form are very close to one another)