Yonakano Reiji ni Harem wo!! - Vol. 4 Ch. 23 - About That Day

Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Telling her off while everyone was watching was the correct move, though. Because everyone watching was involved in the plan to ostracize the transfer student.

If it were an authority figure trying to correct a single misbehaving child, then taking them aside would certainly be the correct move, but those students were all his peers, and they needed to be told too.
Jul 23, 2018
Honestly, I blame all the other kids in the class way more than I do Arisu. They're the ones that kind of stabbed him in the back .... and then threw any guilt they had as anger at Arisu instead of repenting. And as 'friends', some of them should have known where he lived and should have visited to apologize/check up on him when he didn't show up.

I also don't see the issue with saying, "Hey, bullying's not cool," in front of the crowd. Pulling her aside to warn her when the plan to bully the girl was already out in the open is dumb.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2018
@icekatze When I read that a while back I thought it would have been the right move, like the MC admitted, but you're right. She was a bully who got her own medicine, his apology was far more than she deserved.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
He even said himself, back in chapter 21 that it wasn't that she was mad at him that hurt, but his friends turning on him that did. His friends were the ones that needed to hear it, who should have listened to him, but didn't.
Active member
May 22, 2019
@HenryTUns Group think is strong. The bigger issue is that she was stalking him afterwards.

EDIT: Mind you, his friends were dicks for going along with it. However, that kind of behavior to find a scapegoat to excuse their own behavior is very human.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
When he said "Sorry" I wanted to slap him so hard, he'd fly all the way back to panel one. She wanted to bully her later best friend. And after being told off in front of everyone (rightly so), her ego got hurt and she got so pissed, that she somehow orchestrated MC's bullying. MC even got scarred for life! If you'd apologize in such a situation in real life some people would laugh about you behind your back, some others would believe you to be a bit on the dim side. He did the right thing, even if it was in a moment of self-righteousness, but evil prevailed and he got beaten. Don't make the MC apologise author. It feels wrong.
Dec 31, 2019
Please write Arisu out of the story now that closure has been obtained.

I know she wasn't a wife candidate at the time (completely truthful), but obviously now is a different cliché.
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
What dialect is that?
You could say the sorry was an act of Schadenfreude since she already said how she felt guilty all these years for that.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
>Marry chocolate princess
>Become king
>Actually build royal harem



Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
This ended to clean for me. He said it was how everyone went along with it even his so called friends that got him to realize he’s better alone. Yes maybe they both could have handled the situation better but they were little kids. His classmates on the other hand have no excuse.
He should have said “I have no hard feelings about what you did, we weren’t even friends so I didn’t care what you did. It was everyone else that went along with it that I have a problem with. You could and should be able to say and do whatever you want, it’s up to others to actually go along with it. Rather I’m thankful to you because you revealed how delusional I was to ever think they were my friends.” Friends no matter what anyone else says has your back, that’s something you understand at any age.”
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2018
Everybody already said pretty much everything I would've said, so...

I like you, but you done fucked up this plot point, author-san.
Double-page supporter
Aug 28, 2019
What is this bullsh*t, why is he saying sorry to her? She was the bully cmon, wasted chapter, he should just left and said i don give a damn f*ck about what happened in past anymore so don’t meddle into my life while it is good b*tch. Or sth like that.
Edit: It’s like his life got better, meet new friends and that ghost. And then b*tch appeared and reminded about his past, it’s just leaving bad taste, and when he said sorry to her i thought I’m gonna slap both of them.
Let’s not overdo with his generic NICE mc.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
she was the one that started the drama and she is the one that should apologize (she did though...)
Reiji apologized because he holds himself to a higher standard than others he believed he was completely in the right
and that he couldn't of done anything better
now he knows there was a way for HIM to handle the situation that would of made everyone happier

he did not live up to his standards of what he expects from himself so he apologized
even if I and most of you apparently believe he is the one in the right

edit: @HenryTUns take is fair again i too don't belieave he had to apologize

edit2:i like @Twi take too
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
I wonder if he can forgive his former friends who betrayed him like this too....

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