You'll never believe what happens if...

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May 29, 2012
Kinda surprised how many people still buy physical stuff. I mainly buy physical stuff to scan cos I don't want the space to be taken up in perpetuity.

...He says with a rather large stack of doujins behind him.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

Buying second-hand copies of works does not do much to support creators, but it does more than nothing. There is greater demand for commodities that can later be resold, and greater demand at any given price if the resale price is higher. Thus, the price of a commodity implicitly reflects its later resale value. For similar reason, buying a remaindered copy doesn't do much for the creator, but it does more than nothing. The other side of that coin is that buying in the primary market at a discounted price does less than buying at list price.
Group Leader
May 20, 2018
Have you followed any of the links to Amazon, EBJ, CDJapan, etc and bought any copies of your favourite manga?
Yes, if I really like something that isn't available in English or Chinese I will buy it in the original language.

How often?
I may buy several volumes a year.

What do you actually do with your copies, if you can't read it?
I love looking at the art, and trying to pick out what Japanese I might understand.

Would a list of upcoming releases for new volumes interest you if we had it on the site?
Yes, information on new releases from my favourite authors would very much be appreciated.
Jan 24, 2018
I don't buy ever. For reading purposes official translation is usually way behind unofficial. For support purposes I don't want to pay 10 or 15 bucks for something I'm never going to use, let alone one volume of it. For display purposes I wouldn't ever display Manga over western books because I'm ashamed. The only way I'd consider supporting is a subscription service, but I read way too much Manga so there'll probably never be a service that has enough Manga, and paying 6 bucks a month to 10 different services just isn't reasonable to me.

So until official translations generate enough content for me to read and I can access the whole series of all these for say around $15 or $20 a month I probably won't support. It was the same with anime/cable TV. I pirated everything until there were affordable services that covered more than enough content for me to consume.

Currently there's what Crunchyroll Manga and shounen jump that have decent subscription models but they don't generate enough content for me. There are only a couple Shonen Manga I want to read and a lot of what Crunchyroll produces is way behind unofficial translations.

Maybe when official translators realize they should start from both where the unofficial translations are and back from the beginning at the same time instead of fighting a futile battle of trying to catchup then official translators will become more widespread.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
I have these pesky things called rent and bills that eat my $...what is this "purchasing manga" you speak of?
Group Leader
Mar 18, 2019
i shamefully never buy anything because im a cheap dirty hat-wearing cat-fearing rat bastard

i do follow links to raw sometimes
Jul 23, 2018
Link to Amazon have a greater potential since the actually sell stuff you can use.
I sometimes but what the link direct me to but only if I need it. Like 1 time by month.
Dec 6, 2018
Well since I'm am still a student I don't really spent my money that way but occasionally I do buy them in English or German depending on the Book and translation quality. I have about +100 copies of a few series since buying more would be problematic for stuff like eating out with friends and stuff but when I get a part-time job I will probably own several hundred copies. I usually don't read them except the light novels and co. since I only read web novels of unlicensed stuff online.
Jun 17, 2018
I buy the ones in english from Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes and Nobles (Nook). But usually when the series is completely finished and I buy the entire set all at once.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I do wish that I can easily order and import to my country. So instead of import books from Japan, I do support by buying official English like from Kodansha because they do release ebook version on Google Play Books. But sometimes the official English release only in physical book so even the translation group drop it because there is 'official English release already' so I have to drop that series all together. Which is not in my case since it's difficult for me to obtain and import physical book to my country. I hope future official English will support ebook more rather than physical form.
Mar 6, 2019
i usually dont buy a copy of a manga if its A). not available in my region; B). not in my language; C). marked-up Wayyyy to high for my country (shitty laws make you pay 120% import if its a luxury item, AKA any book/manga)

but the few I've bought/have lined up to buy the English translation/original copy I've done like 10~12% of the time (the constrictions of my current situation make it pretty hard to actually get stuff) I do plan to get more in the future but ATM its imposible
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
why not just put up affiliate websites for us to click on so we can buy them here?
that would also mean extra income for this site.

ya? ya?
Apr 27, 2018
Have you followed any of the links to Amazon, EBJ, CDJapan, etc and bought any copies of your favourite manga? How often?

Nope... well I wanted to try shipping ever since I had income but I'm still afraid to do so cuz of my country's poor handling on shipping goods. But I buy official english manga translations on local bookstores whenever I have extra Gils and whenever I go to the Holy Land of anime, I buy some jap LNs and manga.

And if you are willing to share, how much have you spent?

In USD... that would be 40 to 60 USD per month approximately.

What do you actually do with your copies, if you can't read it?

For official japanese LNs and manga, I try to read them.. I'm trying to learn jap using them (along with the trusty google translate ofc) but kanji is harder than my skull... I'm still trying tho.

Would a list of upcoming releases for new volumes interest you if we had it on the site?

Most definitely a YES.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I've purchased many series using Amazon Japan links in the past but publishers have cracked down on a few series for some reason and made it much harder to buy certain titles if you're not in Japan. Cause of that the last one I bought was a Mai Ball volume about half a year ago.
Active member
Feb 6, 2018
Usually i bought manga at local bookstore not english of course, but the price keep rising so i stopped buying manga when it necessary. I mean when I'm at bookstore i usually buy 5-10 manga. But now i'm college student doesn't have much money. I like to buy popular shounen type manga , then i think the popular manga always have copies ready. So now i awalys search for rare manga SoL genre. Because its rarely get another copied. Sorry but i always buy physical one never buy the digital, i dont know why but the digital one(English) is pricey. When i look at cdjapan it only 300-500yen but when it get licensed english almost 15 $.

Every 3 months i buy manga.
Now i only buy 1 or 2 manga.

Oh yeah the legal manga app store in my language is discontinued, but manhwa or webtoon in Line still popular. Sorry but i don't read manhwa or korean webtoon
Aug 15, 2018
I've tried buying translated manga and it turned out to be a terrible experience, as you can see here, so I'm thinking of learning to read Japanese and buy from the source, I've pretty much abandoned hope in the western manga/anime industry, so I won't ever spend a dime on it again unless I see proof of it's improvement, total I'd say I've spent about USD$400 over the span of about 2 years, I've been enjoying the medium since I was a child, so as soon as I got a job I was hoping to actually buy things, but now I'm back to pirating, simply because the "legit" products are so mediocre compared to the fan stuff.
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