@Karsh "I actively dislike glasses on almost any girls. This opinion is true for me for both IRL stuff and fiction.
There were VERY few girls I've ever seen that I actually thought "Hm, glasses kinda fit her" or "She doesn't look that bad in glasses".
...On the other hand..."
Agree completely with your statement when I was younger, I thought glasses only took away from the beauty of all girls/women and in many cases added a certain level of intellect to some guys.
When I got older and my tastes changed I thought some girls/women looked much better with glasses than without, it's a combo of how they dressed and style of the glasses too (I don't like the "bottle" type of glasses for example, but shades on most girls adds a mystery to them). I guess to a certain point they could use glasses like any other accessory to look attractive/sexy to the opposite sex, it doesn't work for everyone but the ones it works for it's very noticeable and impressive.