@MesaOracle yes, I'm aware of that. It's been like this even in this chapter. But the battle stuff has been dialed up to eleven since it revealed that Fuyuzora is the heir of Yatagahane. I mean, the battles in this manga usually Fuyuzora just punch the enemies "Saitama-style" after some cliche + ecchi scenes, no more than that. But in the fight vs his master, none of the Yuragi Inn fighters can beat her until shonen battle manga trope kicked in. Same thing happened in the fight vs Byakuei, vs Nonko's families (well, he's in recovery), vs this Tenko highschool kid (whole Yuragi Inn fighters except Yuuna is cursed lol). And I bet those 3 Tenko villains will pulling "fine, we'll do it ourselves" and the fighters will be overpowered.
Remember the chapter when Karura and Sagiri are trying to get stronger? I'm personally not lol, I'm here for boobs. But that is sure Dragon Ball stuff's going on yo.