@bastek66 Shut up you self-righteous ass
How dare you shit on anyone who likes harem endings (especially well-written ones with plenty of set up) just because you have some weird irrational hate for polyamory (which is in fact perfectly workable IRL with many happy relationships you'd shit on as "haremshit) and can only repeat "waaaaaah it's HAREMSHIT" "Pandering to the lowest" any time you respond.
You wouldn't know good writing (or good English) if it bit your rear end. It beggars belief that you can call a shitty ecchi romcom with nearly 200 filler chapters "good writing" if it ends with a solo win while deriding it as "pandering" and "haremshit" if it ends in a harem ending. How is pandering to all the people who voted for Yuuna in the popularity poll better?
Assuming the leaks are accurate and the translated chapter does match what people think the raws mean the author metaphorically shat on all the other girls by having them be used up and thrown away once they were no longer needed to ensuring Yuuna and MC were able to get together but hey you only care that the ending isn't "haremshit".
Never mind that the MC is literally only alive and well again BECAUSE of their love for him.