Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san

Active member
Nov 23, 2018
The ending is super rushed everything's pointing to single girl winning which is stupid based on what happened.
May 15, 2020
Fucking DISAPPOINTED, won't think twice on avoiding Miura's next work
One of the Mangakas's I'll avoid along with shokugeki duo due to shittty ending
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018

More like you're the "pathetic self insert"

How dumb do you have to be to believe the only reason people want a harem end is for "self-inserting". It's a pathetic attempt to downplay any criticism of your choice of ending. In fact why don't we take your stupid comment to it's logical conclusion and say the only reason you like a
(probably) Yuuna solo
ending is because YOU want to self-interest into the MC after he ends up with the girl you want?

It's fucking rich that you spout this shit while reading an ecchi harem romcom, trying to act like you're soooooo above the dumb "losers" you deride for reading this and claiming they just want to "self-insert".
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
@bastek66 I wouldjt mind a single girl winning but under the circumstances just doesnt make sense past couple chapters shows futures where kogarashi ends up with each of them with them still grieving about that to just in one chapter force one girl wheres the logic in that.
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
@Starbright I mean a single girl winning now basically makes most of the managa's chapters (80% or so) into pointless filler where the only reason for the other girls to even be involved in the plot and fall for the MC is for cheap fanservice. Narratively-speaking there needs to be pay off for 200+ chapters of the girls getting into ecchi situations with the MC and spending all that time trying to seduce him or else what was the point of it all?

Also the MC was literally only able to brought back to life and a happy ending achieved because of the combined love the girls all had for him so a single pairing would basically look like Yuuna/the plot basically used the girls and tossed them away once they were no longer needed for Yuuna to get the happy romance that she risked everyone's lives for
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
@1986ctcel isnt that with all harden romances they develope a relationship with all of them to only pick one.

Only difference with this we see there are futures he ends up with each girl and girls dont get chance to grieve about lost future love and kogarashi doesjt have enough time to pick one girl in one chapter.

If there was going to be one girl he shouldnt have made to the very end where each girl has a chance and koharu doesnt get enough time to process his feelings.

Getting vibe author was forced to end it quick but if the author was given only chapter wrap things up should of atleast left it open ending.

Anyways we should wait for it to come back maybe it's open to interpretation.
Jan 18, 2018
@1986ctcel Chisaki is my favourite but I'm not butthurt about the ending.
I read it for entertainment and didn't have any high expectations. If you want guaranted haremshit ending then read generic isekaishits, 99% they are all the same.
May 15, 2020
@bastek66 bad writing is bad writing,
the series was already set up for a normal harem ending and it would have been perfectly acceptable. the ending was nothing more than a cop-out with all the developments that happened.
Seems like Miura was already done with series and didnt want to care for it anymore
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
@bastek66 Shut up you self-righteous ass

How dare you shit on anyone who likes harem endings (especially well-written ones with plenty of set up) just because you have some weird irrational hate for polyamory (which is in fact perfectly workable IRL with many happy relationships you'd shit on as "haremshit) and can only repeat "waaaaaah it's HAREMSHIT" "Pandering to the lowest" any time you respond.

You wouldn't know good writing (or good English) if it bit your rear end. It beggars belief that you can call a shitty ecchi romcom with nearly 200 filler chapters "good writing" if it ends with a solo win while deriding it as "pandering" and "haremshit" if it ends in a harem ending. How is pandering to all the people who voted for Yuuna in the popularity poll better?

Assuming the leaks are accurate and the translated chapter does match what people think the raws mean the author metaphorically shat on all the other girls by having them be used up and thrown away once they were no longer needed to ensuring Yuuna and MC were able to get together but hey you only care that the ending isn't "haremshit".

Never mind that the MC is literally only alive and well again BECAUSE of their love for him.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
And after all that, the only one who truly achieved happiness its Yuuna.The girls after all were just mere tools.
Jan 18, 2018
@1986ctcel Why are you so triggered of different opinions on mongolian cave paintings? Haremshit panders to lowers and it's never good writing.
By your logic every romance chapter dedicated to girl that didn't end with MC is filler. Whole ecchi genre is pandering.
Leaks are accurate. Just saw Korean scanlation. Last page is just wedding photo on table.
you only care that the ending isn't "haremshit".
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
Aside the rushed ending, the fact that Yuuna won its okay, what is bulshit is that all the girls sacrificed their own lives several times just to make another woman's husband happy.They wont recover from that unless someone erase their memories
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
So according to someone reading the Korean translation of the chapter
-Oboro confessed that in her dream she realised the idea of a harem was stupid

-All the girls have the memories

-Yuuna is going to pass on but before that chisaki suggested an answer

-Kogarashi said that even though he remembers everything after all he loves Yuuna

-So Kogarashi just told Yuuna to stay

-He used his spiritual medium condition and created a technique in order to stay with Yuuna

-He used the memories of all the alternatives futures

-The haremettes encouraged Yuuna

-Yuuna said that she wants to stay with Kogarashi forever and she didnt pass on

-Several years after that, she and Kogarashi got married
Yeah so if this IS correct and not a mistranslation or a troll than FUCK THIS BULLSHIT and fuck the author for stringing everyone along and baiting them with the potential setup for a harem ending for 4 years to just serve up this pile of shit in the last chapter.

EDIT: added some more, if the translation is true then the author literally used the girls and threw them away, the other girls were treated by the story as nothing more than tools to ensure Yuuna's happiness. This is even worse than the shitty "all the losing sisters go on the honeymoon as well" ending of Quintuplets like fuck man how can the author treat their own characters like this?

The combined love of all the girls and the memories of their futures with the MC are what allow him to be resurrected and defeat the villain in 208 and THEN in the last chapter he uses all the memories of the alternate future versions of him that fell in love with all the other girls to make it so Yuuna stays and then says he only loves Yuuna despite his memories of those happy futures with the other girls. That's fucking disgusting.

EDIT2: Like this whole ending along with the rest of this arc (especially the future dreams) unintentionally turns Yuuna into a selfish manipulative bitch who merely used her "friends" to ensure her own happiness and emotionally tortures them by making them fall for the guy she plans to snag for herself all so that she can experience love after not getting a chance back when she was human. None of the girls would have wound up being heartbroken if Yuuna hadn't manipulated them all to save her future boyfriend/husbando's life and she repays them by leaving them in the dust with nothing but memories of a happy future that never was.
May 15, 2020
@bastek66 sorry but if Yuuna-san didn't have good writing it wouldnt have lasted 4 years of publication on WSJ.
Simply put the series just before the ending was a cut above the rest of harem rom-com.
this one was even better compared to to-love-ru which was the staple of harem rom-coms
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
This is Miura's mistake, simply Yuragi should have never become a harem to start with, just a romcom with Kogarashi and Yuuna and max 2 love rivals.100 first chapter were clearly leading for a Yuuna end but instead of letting Hibari out of the bowl he just let her be, to be rejected again in her face,Karura was rejected already 3 times too.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
@bastek66 lol if you hate harems and think they are shit why are you here. And are you happy with one girl winning when theres no good build up to it?

@1986ctcel where did you find those spoilers for Korean translation?

@Draikar yeah get the impression he might of wanted to end with yuuna only ending which would of been fine but the build up is complete shit.
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
@starbright found them on the r/yny subreddit, obviously we can't verify them until the translated chapter comes out so I HOPE I'm wrong but I'm dreading that the spoilers are right

and @starbright @draikar IMHO the problem with a Yuuna-only ending NOW is because of the revelations of this past arc along with the future dreams stuff that was integral to saving the day. A Yuuna-only ending before this arc would be really fucking annoying with the lack of build up and all the pointless ecchi filler with the other girls but not that unexpected, but doing it now after the reveal of Yuuna's human self masterminding the events of the series to bring all the girls together and make them fall for Kogarashi in order to save him so she could experience a happy love with him makes her look like a selfish bitch as well as the fact that Yuuna was previously all for the idea of a harem ending along with Oboro so.......it just comes off as being disingenuous and an underhanded attempt to make her appear more lovable compared to the other "selfish" haremettes who weren't willing to share with the man they loved with their beloved friends while Yuuna conveniently "forgets" that she was fine with sharing and just lets her rivals all give up so she can have him for herself.

Also Oboro going "lol Harems are totally stupid, Hibari was right. I was an idiot to think polyamory would ever work" is just a massive slap in the face as well as a condescending "fuck you" from the author to the readers he baited for all this time.

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