yep, it was as i thought, the old man knew something was weird with him, as he chose to stay without issue.
help is great, sure, but someone like him being chained down is quite sad.
and the rest of the city will only become more and more dependent on him.
to make a human settlement really shine, the city/kingdom/empire must work by itself, without being dependent on one person or two only. if they are too dependent, they will only shine as much as that person shine.
that is why many big settlement died about on our history. someone capable came and went by, death came or failure. the moment said settlement lost its only pillar, they were bound to become history.
would this guy really have on him to live only for this place. he shouldn't that is the truth. unfortunately, it is not a place for him to be. he would end up the same way as in the dungeon. but the issue is: is there really a place someone like him can be? it is kind of a complex question.