Zenbu Kowashite Jigoku de Aishite - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Getting Dizzy

Group Leader
Mar 22, 2023
As for the end of the chapter, I have to wonder how Kurumi will respond. Because she just had an angry outburst at Kokoro for letting herself in uninvited a second time. Went off about not caring what Kokoro thinks. And even talked about how mad she was at everyone for being so selfish, Kokoro included. And the first thing Kokoro thinks to say is to ask Kurumi for sex. While I hope Kurumi gives Kokoro a flat rejection, Kurumi's mental state might cause her to initially go along with it before later backing out because it's not what she really wants. At that point Kokoro might try to force things, so that Naoi will get to have her moment in the spotlight next chapter when she disrupts things.

I think that’s the most likely route for sure. I don’t think Kurumi would just totally give up at this point after all she’s been through, but I could definitely see her having a moment of weakness and initially capitulating before rallying and telling Kokoro to fuck off

But yeah, two chapters in a row under 30 pages makes me think the confrontation chapter will be a long one, which I’m super here for, living for the drama etc-

I do hope we can avoid the “Naoi shows up in the middle of things and gets the wrong idea” possibility because I don’t personally enjoy overly drawn out ‘misunderstanding’ situations, but I’m thinking that won’t happen (hopefully lmao). After Naoi and Kurumi’s smashing session in the abandoned hotel (romantic), I’d like to think Naoi knows her well enough now to pick up that something is very wrong (call won’t even connect likely due to Kokoro pulling the phone line) and physically stop by Kurumi’s house to check on her. At that point she could overhear Kurumi and Kokoro struggling/fighting and barge in to help Kurumi, which like, I definitely think Naoi wouldn’t have any qualms about throwing punches if she needs to lol.

Naoi kind of knows Kokoro’s relationship to Kurumi is toxic, but I don’t think she knows the full extent of it. Kokoro already molested Kurumi in her sleep, so unfortunately attempting SA doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility for her, especially since she’s convinced Naoi and Kurumi have slept together, so she might feel some twisted need to prove to Kurumi that she can do anything Naoi can do (I.e forcing herself on Kurumi). If that happens I think it would likely be the final breaking point for Kurumi and Kokoro’s ‘friendship’. Maybe they can finally get it through her thick skull that she’s only hurting Kurumi with her behavior and that she is in fact, the baddie. Either way Kurumi is gonna be in fucking tatters once this is over. Poor kid can’t catch a break, and she really is in kind of an impossible situation. Outside of trying to call the police (who might not believe her or make the situation worse), Naoi really is the only person who can help her right now

When they finally go back to school it’s gonna be such a shit show lmfao. Kurumi basically blew up her reputation and isn’t on good terms with the teacher anymore, Mine and Isanuma will likely still be actively antagonistic towards her, if Kokoro doesn’t transfer out she’ll have to go to school with someone who tried to sexually assault her, Kurumi’s mom has to return at some point, Naoi’s dad might find out she picked up another ‘side gig’, AND a possible Kudou transfer would just makes things even crazier lmaoooo I just want these two to get the cute little apartment together they deserve
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Or Kurumi finally snaps enough to break Kokoro's delusion of her, so that Kokoro loses her obsession. She doesn't love the real Kurumi after all. Or once Naoi shows up a fight starts, so the police get called with Naoi's phone, especially if one of them gets injured with the scissors or one of the cooking utensils Kokoro brought from her parents shop.
I do want to see some kind of violent showdown between scissor wielding Naoi versus Kokoro with kitchen utensils and a bloodstained apron. Still, at this point, I think the scissors may have been more of a "what if" scenario. Even though I've been calling Kokoro an assaulter, it was pretty mild, so I think it was showing us Kurumi being afraid to see how far Kokoro was willing to take what she was doing. Kokoro has essentially relied on this, but I don't think she is confident enough to keep going if someone matches her energy.

Last time I mentioned Kurumi basically has two modes for dealing with conflicts: passive, deal with everything herself mode and angry acting out mode where she lets out all her bottled up feelings. Kokoro had her in passive mode, but she's in angry mode now. Kokoro already witnessed angry mode once, so I think she will blame Naoi again. Still, she will be unsure how to respond when not in a position of power, especially if outnumbered. And Naoi definitely understands Kokoro is a threat, so I don't think there will be a misunderstanding like others are speculating.

I think it's safe to say Kokoro has not been in any fights. Naoi can easily punch Kokoro and take the key from her. Naoi will have to get inside first, but, after that, this is her thing. It looks we are heading to an actual rape attempt too, so I'm fairly sure Kurumi will ask for help.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
AND a possible Kudou transfer would just makes things even crazier lmaoooo
If it does happen, my best guess is that Kudou might adopt her former "honor student" appearance to deceive everyone in the class, and essentially try to take the place that Kurumi formerly occupied in their classroom. All while secretly bullying people and other terrible things, while targeting Kurumi and Naoi.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2023
To start off, it seems that Naoi never felt any guilt over Kudou. She only agreed to the deal solely for the money and had always planned to cut Kudou off at the end of summer. A summer job basically. It seems all Kudou's pressure did was have Naoi settle on the quickest path to money. Obviously, Kudou has no idea that's the case. I'm sure she won't be happy when she finds out. Though with how things went this chapter, it seems like Naoi might've already cut Kudou off for good after the stunt with her phone. Speaking of, due to Kudou's actions causing Kurumi to be a received call and not a missed one, she caused Kurumi to be trapped by Kokoro for hours. I'm guessing Kudou either thought the call wasn't a big deal, or didn't want to risk Naoi leaving before her humiliation session could start. Either way, it feels like Kuwabara is trying really hard to turn Kudou into a hatesink.

Naoi's super angry at Kudou, but also likely getting worried as Kurumi obviously won't be able to pick up any calls from her, or even realize she was trying to contact her in the first place due to Kokoro. It's hard to say what Naoi might walk into. However, Kuwabara had Kokoro stay passive long enough for Naoi to make it to Kurumi's house before anything really happens. Notice that Kokoro and Kurumi weren't even allowed to have their first date before the story split them up, since Kuwabara wanted Kurumi's first date to be with Naoi. I don't think Kokoro's getting any first times this time either.

As for Kurumi, she was basically held prisoner by Kokoro in her own house from breakfast time to dinner time. An entire day. Constantly walking on eggshells for fear that Kokoro might snap again and become violent. Once again Kokoro was compared to Kurumi's mother. Always monitoring her. And Kokoro basically planned to become Kurumi's jailer permanently, as Kurumi realized to her horror near the end of the chapter.

It was so sad when Kurumi realized that she couldn't stop Kokoro from invading her house since her mother had given Kokoro the key to do so literally. Also, notice how it was made clear in the panels that Kokoro had unplugged the phone so that Kurumi couldn't call for help again. It also served the purpose of preventing Naoi from contacting Kurumi and being able to explain herself. Kokoro not even wanting Kurumi to be alone for a minute to use the bathroom was really creepy. I hate to say it, but playing along with Kokoro's delusions, even if only to keep her calm, seems to be causing them to escalate. Kokoro has too much power in this situation.

Kurumi is also struggling because of the uncertainty of what Naoi's been up to. Naoi kept the deal with Kudou a secret. And it seems the sound effects in the panel last chapter were Kurumi and Kokoro scrambling for the phone, meaning Kurumi heard the part about the hotel. The thing is though, due to what was happening at the time, it's questionable if Kurumi heard Naoi talk dismissively to Kudou or if she heard the part about the room being part of a "girls night out package", since those are typically used for platonic meetups of female friends. It also seems that current events are likely leading to Kurumi realizing that she has romantic feelings for Naoi, since she can't understand why she's so angry over a "friend" possibly getting a girlfriend.

It certainly doesn't help that Naoi's actual part-time job and drive to earn money from Kudou have kept Naoi occupied lately, meaning that while Naoi wants the money so her and Kurumi can be closer in the future, Kurumi is feeling neglected now. Also, Kurumi's feeling intense unconscious jealousy, which she is having trouble processing as it's likely the first time she felt that way. She even seemed to end up with mental images of Naoi doing "that" with another girl while she was trying to vent by pleasuring herself. They really need to have a talk.

As for the end of the chapter, I have to wonder how Kurumi will respond. Because she just had an angry outburst at Kokoro for letting herself in uninvited a second time. Went off about not caring what Kokoro thinks. And even talked about how mad she was at everyone for being so selfish, Kokoro included. And the first thing Kokoro thinks to say is to ask Kurumi for sex. While I hope Kurumi gives Kokoro a flat rejection, Kurumi's mental state might cause her to initially go along with it before later backing out because it's not what she really wants. At that point Kokoro might try to force things, so that Naoi will get to have her moment in the spotlight next chapter when she disrupts things.

My best guess on the endgame of this volume, is to have Kurumi and Naoi acknowledge their romantic feelings for each other, at least internally. Though I have to wonder where Kurumi will stay after this confrontation ends. Her own house obviously won't feel safe after that day. And Naoi's apartment is likely a no-go due to her father. Maybe they could end up at another hotel. Though if Kudou's still in the area she might see them. Which would be interesting if Kudou also has a sudden realization for her own romantic feelings for Naoi, thus cementing herself as a future antagonist. I'm almost certain she'll end up transferring to their class after summer vacation's over.

This volume started off very heavy, so I imagine chapter 20 is going to have some major catharsis. It might also end up being a pretty long chapter, since chapters 16 and 17 have been relatively shorter.
...Damn. I didn't expect an oral report. Well done.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Glad to see it isn't slowing down... I fucking love them all! Well, except Naoi's "ex"
Thanks for the chapter!
Oct 25, 2024
If she does anything with that disgusting being aside from bashing in her face, I'll have to remove it from my library 🥲

That girl has clearly 0 respect for any privacy she has, nor does she care how she feels or what she wants really, assaults her in her sleep and just goes in and out as she pleases, while causing trouble everywhere for her, Naoi better be hitting in her face next chapter i swear

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