Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Management Policy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Tamerlane, I wish there was a "like" button. Would have been faster than replying.

Some of the Isekai "slave systems" are really only "slave systems" in name. FFS you pay money for adoption so...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@Aricitic I mean, it just feels like you're literally making the same arguments slaveholders in America made before the civil war. We're 'taking care of them cause they can't care for themselves.' Your points about food and limited resources don't really apply in today's world, as it's not a matter of us not having enough food, it's that we could feed everyone, we just choose not to, as it's very costly to distribute the food, especially to the places that need it and can't afford it. Also we have this notion that if you can't afford food you don't deserve it (the literal commodification of sustenance).

Also, where do slaves come from, anyway? In most instances, there were people doing just fine, before another, more powerful group came along and conquered and enslaved them. This is not a 'would you rather' choice, but a 'hey, maybe if you didn't conquer other nations there wouldn't be slaves, yo.' The initial action was bad, the slavery is worse. We're talking slaves here, not feudal serfs.

And there is still modern day human trafficking, even here in the states.

@Tamerlane So, if I understand what you're saying, most societies were built on slavery/forced labor? Alright, I guess I can't argue with that. I still wouldn't classify it as a 'good' thing necessarily, though. I know this is from a modern day, American perspective, but I have a rather absolutist view of the subject. Whether or not society as a whole benefits from slavery, the taking and owning of other human beings is still morally wrong.

And yet we still do it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@Aricitic "Some of the Isekai "slave systems" are really only "slave systems" in name. FFS you pay money for adoption so..."

I got no problems with fantasy. I do wonder why there seems to be something of a 'oh hey, we should go to another world and get slaves' thing going on in a lot of isekais though.

And I really don't like people trying to justify it. It's gross.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Kaldrak Yeah, it is a little odd for people getting excited about going to another world for the slave systems, no argument there.
However I am not making the same argument that American slaveholders made, nor am I talking about modern times. I am talking about medieval or earlier when this was a problem and they could only barely take care of themselves (just like everyone else who wasn't a noble). The scales were so tipped at the time that I can be fairly certain that if someone had even the slightest guarantee of safety they would gladly give up on failed freedom to survive.

You are correct that the most well known slaves were enslaved by unrelated third parties, but this was NOT always the case. Their so-called justice system would also enslave people, and debt would cause people to become slaves.
I would get evidence of this, but I doubt anyone not a scholar would believe it so I am not going to bother.
Jan 18, 2018
@Rizkid1412 No, I understood what Aricitic meant when they explained what they did. What I couldn't figure out is the context behind the message.

I couldn't make heads or tails on whether my initial sarcastic comment was responded to by criticism or approval. A better word for "approach" might have been intentions or motives, but I wanted to avoid taking up an accusatory tone; I felt that "perspective" and "stance" could be taken as me not understanding the argument instead of the tone itself. Also, I have no idea what a "kine" is, and looking it up gives me cattle as the first result. I'm under the impression "kine" is a typo.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2019
Oh no, another argument about slaves in an isekai manga.

Sep 6, 2019
I'll just keep waiting for the day when the word "slave" becomes misspelled in the draft, resulting in that out-of-place European with an alcohol addiction wearing a black and white tracksuit together with shoes of the same brand.
Active member
Jul 30, 2019
This is great ...

I see the effort for making it this great.

Good Translation.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 22, 2018
words in english get their definitions changed all the time, why can't the word "slave" also mean "contracted servant"? otherwise people have to stop ruining words with idiotic uses.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
"she needs to have thicc legs"
shop owner brings some random stick lolis
ok then
Aug 3, 2020
Rokuko wasn't supposed to go with them based on the wn now I'm kinda disappointed how they changed that in the manga

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