Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - A Bargain

Group Leader
Jan 20, 2018
Given that Hydra uploaded the real version, I just moved the blinky version to the April Fools' Collection, where it belongs. ;p
Link is here for the historians who want to see all the rage, butthurt, and (maybe) amusement in the comments

And since I saw angry comments about how we weren't catching up, I decided to start translating chapter 16. Chapter 14 and 15 can go disappear in an April Fools' prank. (This statement was made on 2020/04/01 11:11)
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@ksen the group tls cause we want to read we just share. we actually enjoyed the comments we where getting cause the group tls on meme value. why do you think the group is called melonmelonhydra its because its a joke. The group was started as a joke "Ill tl mango this if some one does the other stuff" was the reason why we became a group.

The reason we care is because its still a lot of work and alot of money to do this. It cost like 50+ usd atm per month for photoshop and lets not talk about the other tools we use that had to be paid for.
This is not even talking about the experience and skill need to do this. Why isnt more manga translated? Well you need to be good enough to translate and localize but dont have the certs for working as a translator or they would not be doing manga for free it would be a job.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@Rugid no i know some people dont like how i typeset but I do it this way for reasons. Yah if this was years ago and I did this for work as Graphic Designer it would look a lot different.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Ingroup jokes means nothing when you outside of your group. They are at best confusing, or usually annoying to outsiders. Keep them to yourselves.
Again, I know perfectly amount of time and effort goes into translation. Regardless of quality.
But you lost all your argument about how you care via uploading april fools chapter in the first place. And now you are making a fool out of yourself complaining about stealing which you yourself caused by your own actions.
How about just own it? You got your butt blasted out to orbit cause someone used your joke to make chapter readable. Either make worse unfixable joke next year, or don't joke around period if you don't want for someone to "steal" your work.
Stop playing the victim.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@ksen if you read the other mango that we did you would understand the joke. but now I wont be making next year's even slightly readable. also the chapter was readable if you read slowly.

You miss understand we care about other people using our work not we care about readers. Technically the Russians dont want their cleans to be used by other groups. So the french guys have to clean their own raws. Spanish is weird and we dont talk about that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Needhydra I am unsure how far into the fixing process you were, but you would probably have been allowed to use the fixed version outright (would have been hypocritical otherwise if the fixer complained). So that could have potentially saved you work, depending on whether it is easier to do the final touchups you mentioned on non-gifs where dialogue is sadly already flattened onto image, or easier to use your broken images that kinda has built-in layering in the form of temporal segregation between pages and dialogue, but need to have them extracted from an animated gif.
Or if you kept the source-images, you could potentially have done the touchups there, and just do a re-export.

But either way, while I didnt see the chapter in question, this sounds like it were just someone doing a public service. Likely even intending to remove it once you managed to push your own fix out (I prefer to assume good about people). Equating it to stealing makes me think of someone baking for fun and were giving out for free to people nearby, with someone complaining because they had planned to do the same. Effort were done to help others, pointing blame at them feels a tad ungrateful.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@feha lets go by baking example its like i baked a cake put decorations and frosting ect then put it out for sale and then someone else took that cake scribbled some frosting on top and said they baked a cake.

The process for making the gif was take the page i was working on export a normal version for the editors and then export a version as a gif using the layers(well groups) in photoshop as frames.

I would be a lot less pissy if you know Rugid had put this tl is from melonmelonhydra
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Basically you just confirm that scanlator groups are bunch of weirdos with ego.
I read plenty of stuff. Doesn't excuse terrible jokes only your group finds funny.
Don't forget to put StarForce DRM on next year chapter then.
What, you didn't laught at my super smartypants funny reference to mostly PC centric 2nd world countries known issue for gamers of specific age range? I wonder, how I managed to guess that.
Jun 9, 2019
why even care about who uploads something, it's not like this is a legal activity at all.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@ksen you kinda have to be weird to do mango i have a tler that wont tl this mango because i quote "ehhh it's not lewd enough for me"
also wow starforce drm its been a while since i saw that name.

Nov 4, 2019
I'm more with @Needhydra.
Even if there is many scanlation group who make april fool jokes it doesn't mean you have to force yourself to don't do it. It is april 1st, you can joke around, as long as it is not to much. It is normal. And from the ones I saw it was still in the better part. Even if it was hard, it was readable, it was the real chapter with the real translation too. There are many who are not the real chapter but a fiction on the chapter from the manga and as if not enough there are some that have nothing more than a picture saying it's a joke.
For the stealing part, i don't know exactly what happened but if I understand well, someone "repaired" the joke to create a normal chapter. Did I make a mistake ?
If this person didn't say he wasn't the one who translated and didn't put the original translation group in the credit, it is stealing.
If this person didn't ask the original translation group to use their translation, it is stealing.
You said "And now you are making a fool out of yourself complaining about stealing which you yourself caused by your own actions." but if you forget to lock your door and someone enter and take whatever there is inside your home, it is stealing even if you caused it. Or even closer, you invite someone to your home for whatever reason and they take something, it is stealing.

I'm sorry if there are some errors in my english, I just hope my point was understandable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
*Makes shitty April fool's day chapter that hurts people's eyes*
"It's just a prank bro why are you all complaining?"
*Somebody fixes it so it no longer hurts people's eyes and uploads it"
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@Rugid just a disclamer tbh i forgot about the upload restrictions as we dont have a site and just upload directly.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
you forget one little detail. We are not on their separate webpage. We are on "voluntary aggregator" website.
One joke on one website you daily visit is alright.
Few dozens of them mixed in between normal releases - is annoying to very high degree.
And no, there were no stealing, analogy is terrible.
They already gave away chapter to public. In terrible form, but did that. Better analogy would be you putting broken chair on a street with note "Free!", and then complaining when you see someone fixed that chair on your eyes and gave it away for person who needed that chair.
Their accusation of stealing stopped holding any ground since they uploaded joke chapter themselves. No one "hacked" their PC, or gone to their private chats to actually steal files.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2018
i fucking swear that last page is disturbing shit ever
but yeah
viva hot thicc nice legs
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@Amplify you will be surprised how fast bots rip mango to other sites. And you here it first kissmanga actually is the least shit of the sites that rip cause they go back and fix bad chapters

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