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  1. Y

    ReLIFE - Vol. 14 Ch. 203 - Beginning of the Third Semester

    Well, that's a surprisingly ok explanation for such an arbitrary rule.
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    Parasyte Reversi - Vol. 2 Ch. 17 - Dusk

    So he does believe his dad is innocent. Hmm, interesting. Don't like how he inherited that messed up Malthusian worldview, and I don't like this typical Japanese cliché of "I'll only fight for my friends", but I'm giving it the benefit of doubt for now.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 14 Ch. 202 - Real Desires Unexpectedly Materialize

    I'm glad I'm not reading this weekly, this starcrossed lovers drama is starting to get repetitive.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 13 Ch. 200 - To Keep on Living

    Aw so wholesome.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 12 Ch. 180 - Call You

    These call centres are great, except if you have telephonophobia.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 12 Ch. 177 - Surprise Piercing Attack

    Wow the last chapter was emotional, but this one actually made me tear up a little. Nice touch with the brother. Also, he can be real smooth sometimes, huh. Good instincts.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 12 Ch. 176 - From Now On As Well

    This was a good emotional chapter.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 11 Ch. 170 - A Hand From Friends

    Someone once told me they hated headpats, because that's something you do to pets. Just something to keep in mind if you try that on your girlfriend. 😜
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 11 Ch. 168 - Coming (Drop)Out

    Yup, just as I predicted. It takes real strength to work through life's hardships, but being strong doesn't make you invulnerable to ostracising. Everyone needs a supporting hand to get through that. It saddens me just how insensitive people here are. It's this kind of attitude that causes a...
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 11 Ch. 167 - Dishonest Reason to Send an Application

    I wonder why coffee is considered an adult beverage but tea (green tea) is fine. They are not that different, both have caffeine and both can be addicting. In fact I'm pretty sure a ton of young Japanese people are addicted to it (the stuff is everywhere!!!).
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 10 Ch. 156 - Unnoticed Feelings Passing By Each Other

    To be fair, he has been giving out mixed signals.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 10 Ch. 149 - Runt

    If he was athletic 10 years before, it shouldn't be that hard to recover some of that fitness over several months. He shouldn't be standing out anymore. Though admittedly we've never seen him training.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 10 Ch. 145 - Living Proof

    To be fair, this thing where they make someone shout at the protagonist to get them back on track is really overdone. Sure it works to create some emotional tension: through empathy, it triggers an adrenaline response in us and makes the scene more memorable. But there are more nuanced ways to...
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 10 Ch. 144 - Visible Smoke

    @Juslin rather than scifi I'd call it scifan - the weird rules like "they might forget each other, we don't know" are closer to magic.
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 9 Ch. 135 - Understanding Your Heart

    @kis genuinely curious what's unrealistic about it?
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 9 Ch. 132 - Am I Wrong?

    Man, it's hard to admit it, but I can relate way too much with Hishiro. I was essentially like her at school, although I was aware of it and I tried to be nice and understanding to others. But despite my best intentions, I often still ended up coming across as cold, proud, snobbish, blunt...
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    ReLIFE - Vol. 8 Ch. 122 - This is Seriously Difficult to Answer

    Aww as if love wasn't hard enough on its own, they had to make it complicated with all the memory erasing shenanigans.