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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 112 - Battle of the Whales (Part 1)

    Yep... I'm not even gonna look at the next chapter until after the holiday, so it may be delayed a bit.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 112 - Battle of the Whales (Part 1)

    Well, here it is... I'll see yinz guys after Christmas.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 111 - Emergency Food

    Well, that's all for volume 12. I will likely have the first chapter of volume 13 out before Christmas. I am very much not looking forward to it (it's the infamous pro-whaling volume), so with that in mind, please keep my sanity in your thoughts this holiday season.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 110 - Sizzling Soup Dumplings

    I hope that dog was okay. It's literally all I was thinking about and we never got a resolution...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 109 - Japanese Curry (Part 2)

    I know goat curry is common in Indian curry, but is it common in Japanese curry as well? As far as his views on whaling goes, I’ve been over my feelings on it in other chapters, and no doubt it’s going to come up again, but a big part of why I have such a big problem with Kariya’s views on this...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 109 - Japanese Curry (Part 2)

    This chapter served up one quick little reminder that I'm going to hate doing the TL for Volume 13 which has the infamous 5 part pro-whaling story... But hey, I promised to do it... As far as this chapter goes, I know curry is very common here in the United States, but coming from a small...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 108 - Japanese Curry (Part 1)

    You’re probably going to be disappointed. This isn’t the first time and it probably won’t be the last time. Kariya seemed really fond of telling this type of story on top of having, even by Japanese standards at this point, extremely conservative values. You might have to take small victories if...
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Voting Day

    I know. I was excited to post it. Next part hopefully coming before Christmas.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Voting Day

    Well, here it is! The first previously untranslated full chapter! Hope you enjoy!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 107 - Tofu's Flower

    Yeah, it was something I wasn't familiar with at all, but I have seen Japanese restaurants use that name. Sometimes quick chapters like this in Oishinbo are a lot of fun to do, but this one was a particularly tough one to TL. The machine made so many mistakes on this chapter, particularly with...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 107 - Tofu's Flower

    Honestly, my first thought when I was working on this chapter was that Black needs to be prescribed some lithium...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 105 - Brown Rice VS White Rice (Part 1)

    Well, I'm putting up the next chapter tomorrow, so we'll all find out together lol.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Oh, My Son!

    Technically there was new stuff in this one. The previous TL didn't actually finish this chapter for some reason.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 105 - Brown Rice VS White Rice (Part 1)

    Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I was just joking.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 105 - Brown Rice VS White Rice (Part 1)

    Look, I like white rice better, too... But brown rice isn't THAT bad!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 104 - The Meaning of Gold

    The Thanksgiving holiday really slowed me down this week, so I'll upload another chapter tomorrow to make up for it (I try and do one every 2-3 days). Also, I guess we're just gonna accept the Egyptian government lending one of its most priceless artifacts (and one that they've always been very...
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Public Debate

    We’ll get there. Oishinbo takes up most of the time I have for this work, but I’m gonna keep going with this.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 103 - The Long Established Company

    She’s got a very obvious crush and though this wasn’t her characterization at first, I’ve noticed she’s become a bit of a gadfly… Awhile yet.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 103 - The Long Established Company

    Sorry this one took a couple of extra days. It's almost Thanksgiving here in the United States and because I do a good amount of the cooking for the big family gathering, I've been busy as hell.