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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 12 Ch. 102 - Taste of Summer

    That’s the implication. It’s pretty clear that he’s been driving them nuts and Tanimura is, after all, the only actually nice person in this entire series…
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 101 - Fond de Vaux (Part 2)

    Well, that does it for Volume 11! See you all in Volume 12!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 100 - Fond de Vaux (Part 1)

    100 chapters in! Here's to many more!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 97 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 3)

    Wait, you think Bruce Lee isn't as famous as Jackie Chan? They're both certainly very famous here in the US...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 95 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 1)

    I wouldn't eat blowfish milt, either...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 79 - Japan-US Taste Battle

    Now, you're making the mistake of thinking school lunches in this country are meant to be anything other than awful.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 97 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 3)

    I was amused that the guy's name was Dragon Lee, since I'm a pro wrestling fan and there's currently a guy called Dragon Lee in WWE.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 96 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 2)

    Yeah, I think this is the first time we've heard from Teito since all the way back in Volume 4, I think.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 96 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 2)

    I could never understand why the Brits want to ruin eels that way. As for the yacht, the gourmet boom in 1980s Japan was very much a part of the "bubble economy" where real estate and stock prices were hugely inflated and it made a lot of people who hadn't been very rich. Part of the way those...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 95 - Hong Kong Flavor Competition (Part 1)

    Funny enough, my girlfriend and I were watching this episode of the anime last night. Gotta say, knowing exactly what Bird's Nest Soup is, that's a hard pass from me. I just can't get around the whole "eating a big pile of spit" thing.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 94 - Delicacies of the Sea (Part 2)

    The first reported case came from England in 1986 and this volume was first published in 1987, so just after.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 94 - Delicacies of the Sea (Part 2)

    I’m glad, too. No, that’s alright. A very generous person has shared the raws with me, so I can continue working on it. I appreciate the offer, though.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 94 - Delicacies of the Sea (Part 2)

    Yeah, subverting expectations from the first part.
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    Nyaa's not been working for me for the last few days. I've spoken to someone who has the raws that I need, though. So, I'm hopeful to resume immediately.
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    A note to those following along with my translation... I had only downloaded through Volume 12 before the attack on the Internet Archive. As of right now, the Oishinbo Raws seem to be unavailable still, it's why I'm slow-walking my TLs. However, if the raws really have been completely scrubbed...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 93 - Delicacies of the Sea (Part 1)

    Thanks very much, I appreciate it.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 11 Ch. 92 - Midsummer Ice

    I can't believe that Yamaoka didn't find it morally objectionable to water down the booze...
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    Well, Food Wars is probably the closest thing. I only watched the anime, though, so take it with a grain of salt.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 91 - Fried Chicken

    No idea. I've only ever ate it with the breading because that's how I like it.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 91 - Fried Chicken

    The broad was really gonna leave her husband because he hated fried chicken... See you all in Volume 11!