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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 88 - I Hate Milk

    Personally, I just drink 2%. I’ve never had raw milk, nor would I.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 4 - Aged Spirits

    He's just an angry drunk lol.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 3 - Heart: The Spirit of Kimchi

    I don't know, honestly. Here in the US, in the 1940s and 50s, smoking at formal dinners was exceedingly common (so much so that there were usually quite fancy table lighters in the higher class restaurants and bars). I know that Japan never quite went through the same anti-smoking campaign that...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 3 - Heart: The Spirit of Kimchi

    Sorry this one took a couple of extra days as I was under the weather this weekend. Hope everyone's enjoying the tenth volume so far!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 1 - The Yokozuna's Favorite

    If I remember right from the anime, it was due to it being out of season. I'll have to go back and watch it to check.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 1 - The Yokozuna's Favorite

    A particularly well-timed chapter since there's also a basho going on right now (although sadly the Yokozuna isn't participating).
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 8 - A New Wife's Home Cooking

    Thank you. I believe the whaling chapters are in volume 13. I'm most definitely not looking forward to doing it since I'm strongly opposed to commercial whaling outside of aboriginal communities that depend on them for subsistence, but I'm committed to do it anyway since I've promised to...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 8 - A New Wife's Home Cooking

    This finishes up Volume 9! I'll see all you good folks in Volume 10!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 7 - The Best Meat

    He was gonna use the old Pocket Sand attack! Shushushaaaa!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 79 - Japan-US Taste Battle

    Nah, we'll see plenty more of Jeff. He would apparently appear quite a bit up until Volume 16, but then his appearances apparently drop off (at least according to the Japanese wikipedia article).
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 79 - Japan-US Taste Battle

    Really not just MSG. Kariya seems dead set against any sort of artificial additives and pesticides. However, I have to say, as someone who lived for a few years on a no longer working farm, and who knows farmers, that not using any kind of pesticide is just asking to have your crop completely...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 79 - Japan-US Taste Battle

    Alright, I'm waiting for the video of Uncle Roger roasting Japanese Ernest Borgnine, here. MSG=FLAVOR!!!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 78 - Five Year Pasta

    Yeah, I did too. It feels like he kinda got the shaft. Nope, that was one of several quibbles I had while doing this one. It felt like an interesting, but incomplete story.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 78 - Five Year Pasta

    I've gotta say, I'm a little bit surprised. This chapter feels like it could've been a two-parter. It feels a bit rushed to me. Still, not a bad story, but one I wish we got a bit more depth on.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 77 - Black Sashimi

    Because we use a different numbering system for how we do chapters. Mugiwara just counts the chapters in a linear fashion. I’d end up losing count doing that, so I follow the volume chapter numbering. I think the one you want is Volume 1 Chapter 2.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - Let's Set Sail

    Yeah, I just wanted to read it (I’m a political junkie, so it’s up my alley), and I thought I’d post it here, too. Now, I do use a machine to help me translate (but I did eventually find a Wikipedia article that helped me with certain things such as what the names actually were, so you’ll see my...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 2.2 - Reasons For Not Eating (Part 2)

    I assume there’s some aspect of Japanese culture that isn’t translating for western audiences. I’m an American, my girlfriend is Australian. We sat in the same room here in Pittsburgh and had the same reaction to the anime. She watches a lot more anime and reads a lot more manga than I do, and...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 77 - Black Sashimi

    Yeah, this chapter is one of the very few we've seen so far that has real emotion behind it. I actually enjoyed doing the TL of this chapter in particular more than most. Yeah, that was kind of an odd situation given the geopolitical alliances of WWII. The Soviets and the Japanese spent a large...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 2.2 - Reasons For Not Eating (Part 2)

    I agree. Hardly a chapter goes by without somebody being a dick to somebody else for no good reason. For a country that prides politeness as much as the Japanese do, it's kind of wacky. His whole strategy was to hide the fact that he'd made a pact with his wife not to eat delicious food until...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 9 Ch. 77 - Black Sashimi

    This chapter is quite the departure for how Tomii is usually portrayed. Gives him a bit of character depth that was much needed, imo. Also, those of you who also grew up in the 90s in the US will doubtless remember the TV show Unsolved Mysteries. Many stories like this one were portrayed on...