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    Puppet - Ch. 4 - Girl

    It never got dropped, the group had a hiatus
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    Andoro Torio - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Orange Alarm in Tsukasa's Panties

    And the most disturbing part there really was a lot of stuff from 80s Japan that would land you in jail. And just to give you a hint, I'm not talking about manga or fictional characters.
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    Andoro Torio

    The fact that this was in a shonen magazine of all things makes me feel like this is grooming material
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    [Semi-vent]I don't know what to do about my group anymore

    I've been running a small scanlation group ever since the pandemic, and needless to say, while it has it's ups-and-downs, I've become severely burnt-out to the point where I can't even bring myself to so much do the bare minimum anymore without feeling this sense of heavy dread and anxiety. All...
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    Can we get a list of words US culture considers hateful?

    I could be wrong, but in my personal experiences, "cunt" is not as offensive as it used to be, but it still is a pretty strong word here, and it depends on who you use it with. For example, I could never say it in front my sister or my mom (even though I say a lot of bad words in front of her)...
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    [Moka Scans] looking for Project Managers and Server Admins

    Hello, I am the leader of Moka Scans. I have been managing almost all of the projects we currently have, and it hasn't been easy in the slightest for me. So I'm trying to divide the labor by having more than one person to manage one of our projects and someone who is good at running a Discord...
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    Novels that you wish got an English translation?

    For me, it's the Teito Monogatari series. It's pitifully ironic that for such a massively influential series in it's native country that even had movies and an OVA from the 90s, no one ever bothered with translating the original novel.
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    [Moka Scans] Looking for JTL, Cleaners/Redrawers,Typesetters, and Proofreaders

    No experience is needed for these positions. If you're interested contact me directly on Discord at El-Kaichou#6081 or open up a ticket in my server.
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    Manga that's so so edgy it's actually funny Do parodies count?
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    Candy & Cigarettes - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Double-Edged Sword

    "T/N: Rome is the capital of Italy" Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
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    Moka Scans is looking for French --> English translator and Cleanup

    Okay, DM me and I'll see if I can set you up.
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    Moka Scans is looking for French --> English translator and Cleanup

    Hello, I just started a scanlation group called Moka Scans, and currently translating Monk! ( Since I'm using the French editions, I could really use someone who fluent in French. I'm also looking for someone that knows how to clean up scans, so that my...
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    Can someone teach me about basic scanlation?

    There are a bunch of guides on scanlation that are more in depth, but I can give you a condensed version. For starters, find a decent scanner. Also, don't get to attatched to your physical books, because you will literally have to tear them apart for scanning. Second, get a photo editing...
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    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: (ID #16469) My Profile: (ID #558139) Proof:
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    Umineko WHEN THEY CRY Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Chessboard Thinking

    "If she really is a witch-sama" For fuck's sake translators.
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    Destroy America?

    Again, why do you even care what I think at all? You're in a thread called "Destroy America" and somehow my take is somehow crossing the line. Get over yourself.
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    Destroy America?

    @bigtiddyoneesan Did you literally just stalk my activity because you didn't like what I had to say about America? Plus why do you even give a shit what I think about America. If you like it, good for you, but I'm not entitled to feel positively about a geopolitcal construct that I reside in. If...
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    Destroy America?

    Death to America lmao. The longer I stay in this mediocre shithole of this country, the more I want to jump shit. I wanna say Japan's better, but let's not kid ourselves, Japan has it's own problems too that I'm not sure I'm willing to deal with.
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    What's your edgy teen phase?

    Mine was during 2015-2016 when I was an anti-SJW, and use to watch Youtubers like Sargon of Akkad or NateTalksToYou. I don't think I need to say too much, but dear god never have I regretted my life choices so hard.
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    Do you prefer Dub or The Original one ?

    I'll do both, but I'm a bit more biased towards dubs since they don't have the same cliches I find annoying in Japanese voice acting....especially those shrill female vocals.