This manga is really enjoyable to read. It have a relaxed pace, letting us know the character and their journey / background more and, at least up until the latest chapter I read at the time I post this comment, drama free. This is almost like a slice-of-life in fantasy world, with just a liiitle sprinkle of action here and there.
And for the one that said this manga is "boring", "no action / antagonist", etc. Maybe read the manga description first so you knew what you'd expect? Its set after the MC saved the world and all so that can explain the lack of "Big bad boss". And let me directly quote it, "Reading their letters, Eisen makes a decision to set out and pay each of them a visit as he travels the country to sightsee." Soo yeah. This manga have slow pace, and indeed can be boring to some. I can respect that. But its, I would say, to be expected from the description and the first several chapters.
Just my personal opinion, but if you want pure packed action manga, there are tons of them already. You can just type it and boom, hundreds of them at least will shows up. This kind of mixed genre manga tho? Not so much.