Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2018
Hey! No need to say "Penis" to get my attention.

Just writting "might stop translating" is enough. Also the unusual wall of text also works.

(I read the whole thing but the title and subtitle first, then went "Wait...did the title of that page say Penis?" And checked the page just in case)
Dec 8, 2019
Completely understand why you are doing this - I am sure we would appreciate it if you tell us if/when you need to drop this. Thank you for translating the series so far regardless, genuinely one of the best series I have read.

EDIT: lol timing
Double-page supporter
May 14, 2019
good for you for respecting authors wishes. anyone who is pissed by that can eat a dick lol
Aug 13, 2018
@Pinka I'll grant that it's not theft per say, but other translators have reached out to authors of stuff on pixiv or twitter before doing anything and have gotten not only approval but even seen the authors post a link to the finished translation themselves. This on the other hand... eh, the moral high ground would probably be to wash ones hands and move on.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
@xines the constant moral posturing from a lot of readers is disturbing considering the foundation our community has always been built on. I.e. thieven the material of a major entertainment industry that continues to publish in a language only used in a single country.

Scanlators of course are free to do what they want. Nobody is holding them hostage.
Sep 24, 2020
Any news from the author? My tiny Japanese vocabulary isn't enough to read the raws, and running to jisho for every other kanji really kills the flow.
Nov 23, 2020
Nice subcomment.
Do you speak Japanese?
He speaks like a man at all times. Strongly.

It’s a bit hypocritical to say only women can want to be cute or to dress a certain way.

Why is no one clamouring for Hazuki to transition? She binds regularly. Hell, we have a chapter of her sitting in her house playing bass (a bass that’s perfectly comfortable to play with breasts. inb4 that argument) with her breasts bound.

She’s committed to fashion, like Iori wearing heels.
I know I cannot be arsed to wear them, personally. That shit sucks.

Look, I transitioned 5 years ago, and wear clothing traditionally worn by women. I follow traditional gender norms. I don’t think we should hold people to that.
That’s some truscum shit.

I repeat myself a lot, huh?

I do it in real life, too. It’s a personal failing of mine.

At least I @ people.
Feb 14, 2019
@LadyTyche Exactly, every single person in this site at some point had to read "pirated" manga and watch "pirated" anime since most of them aren't even avaiable outside japan.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
@Cashroot that be cool if Hazuki is trans, but she just doesn't really seem to be. If anything she just likes to present that way, but if we ever get info on her and the possibility they like be calling him, that be fine. Just more a matter we don't get to see Hazuki be insecure about things or talk about liking dressing like a man.
Nov 23, 2020
See also: Iori.

No indication of anything but presenting femme.

Uses male pronoun (first person in Japanese), rough masculine speech patterns...

The breast augmentation thing was about shopping for padded bras to complete the outfit they’d put together. It’s more obvious in Japanese.
“In that case, I was thinking about adding to my boobs” “immediately rejected”
“Adding to/making larger/filling out” isn’t super specific, granted, but that’s just Japanese at work.
The fact that it’s in direct response to what Sayu just said is what makes it about the current situation.
“Sorry to drag you around” “Well, I was thinking doing of this (next) maybe”

I’d be cool with either of them being any gender or none.

They seem pretty fine with who they are. He’s just adjusting to enjoying being cute. Shedding toxic masculinity.

This is one of two non-problematic cross dressing manga I can think of. (Offline meeting being the other. Good stuff, that. Author liked my explanation about “cut it off” being wrong, and changed “kamentarou” to “kantentarou” for publication.).

I just think we can chill.
The artist tended to draw girls with robot antennas and big boobs before this took off.
Male gazey stuff.

Neither their prior work nor the narrative of this story indicates this being a story about transition.

It’s a cornball comedy about a couple who have flipped roles and one of them being a bit confused about this dynamic.

I totally get looking for representation. I did it a lot and still do it sometimes.

Shit, I’m Jewish. There is a tendency to say “they seem Jewish. That name sounds Jewish. Look at her nose! Let’s look it up... oh, they’re French.”
Oct 28, 2018
When your a sub, but you try your hardest to be a dom for once.

My son tried.
Nov 23, 2020
Are you reading ahead, too?

Also, I thought sub/dom was just a kink thing. BDSM and such. If I’m wrong, TIL. I’ve been using top/bottom, but I suppose both can be true.
I guess they do get freaky... huh. I’m gonna have to think about this.
I have to go do morning prayers and be a stepmom.
This exchange is a hell of a way to start the day...

Edit: what about your son?!! How do you-?! What did-?? HUUUUUUH??

Edit 2: oh, Iori? Talking about sons and subbing/domming made me 😨
“Wow, that sure is an ...openly communicative family?? I wouldn’t want to know.”
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
@CashRoot I don't think many people actually think Iori is trans, but he does give off some fun "egg" energy with hating how he looks, and suddenly finding joy in his looks now

The fact that he uses very masculine language in Japanese is interesting! It's unfortunately lost in translation, so for english-only readers it's very easy to forget that it's a thing.

That being said, the "egg Iori" theory is, at the end of the day, just kinda a fun idea (at least for me), kinda like this fun fluff manga!

Also, the idea of "coming out at someone" is extremely powerful, and I absolutely love it. 😂
Nov 23, 2020
He talks like someone more masculine than many shounen MCs.

I didn’t catch anything about disliking his appearance (the translation gets pretty dang wonky!) but I’ll re-check the raws.

I mean, I didn’t feel any desire to put a skirt on between 2001 and 2019. I went full-time in 2016. Then I got one and was like “everything about this is better. It’s both breezier and warmer. I’ve gone from passing 60% of the time to 85%”. I have one pair of ugly “laundry day” trousers and some hotpants I wear at home for my wife, now. Otherwise it’s maxi skirts. Same with long hair. I had The Lesbian Hair Cut from 8 years before I fully came out TO MYSELF until a few month ahead of skirts. “Shit! I look WAY better! My big, Jewy face needs to be framed!”

Anyway, he found how he wants to present, and that he’s a power bottom.
Luckily his first time was with Hazuki, or he might have thought he wasn’t into girls... *Cough*

Also, I came out at my dad when I found out he was a huge racist (that’s how distant he was. I found out he was racist in my 30s).

I’d done something similar 6-7years before, but that was obviously different(. Long story short: The homophobe ran away.

That shit is indeed powerful. Walk softly and carry a big... flag 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 (etc)

PS: the author posted a survey about the series and the first question was

Gender (in your heart/soul)
* male
* female
* other

So it seems that this at the least won’t go somewhere shitty.

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