Sep 24, 2018
Wtf with all edgy comments. What wrong with happy ending? For anyone complain about gabi really dumb shit. Gabi was brainwashed(like most soldiers who thought most of the time they fight for their country but all those usually for political and higher up greedy people benefits) and they helped her get back right path/mindset.


I understand what u guys say but i think the author want to show that forgave what make people great. Yea it really hard to forgive people after your love one killed and i think that what the author or whoever make the final decision. I think most of them become really tired of those never ending war and try to find best possible way which is revenge is not 1 of them. Imo dictatorship never really a great way to end any war because it instill hatred which will continue the cycle of previous dictatorship leader. My English not really good, i hope u guys understand what im saying
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 5, 2018
Hey, remember when Annie slaughtered the whole Levo Squad... no?
Hey, remember when Reiner killed all those survey corps... no?
Hey, remember when they killed Sasha... no?
Hey, remember when those guys wanted to wipe out our entire island... seriously that was not even d day ago... no?

Not seeing anything Eren for the last 5 chapters was also disappointing.
I was considering dropping this, if not for the fact that it will end this year.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018
fucking retarded. These people need a wake up call. I'll reserve my full judgment for the manga until then.
It was all expected, but felt pretty rushed too. And what's up with literal cartoonish depiction of the Yeagerists? I dont think they ever did that for any villain. Its just ridiculous, is a child editor cockblocking Isayama or did he just have a stroke?

its very unrealistic for the set world. This isnt some generic kiddie shounen. It was always pretty realistic with the depictions of politics and each side. Even when we see the world applauding to kill Paradis they all look like regular people, now it seems to have dropped 100 IQ points just to say NATIONALISM BAD. Why the fuck would the world even want to ally with Paradis after this? its all so unrealistic. If anything they would just feel justified in slaughtering after they almost got genocided
Active member
Aug 22, 2019
i dont think eren needs more help, he alone is enough to save the world. Also who is the person holding mikasa's scarf?
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Really feels like Isayama is being rushed to end it doesn't it?
Mar 14, 2018
He's going to kill him, he's going to kill him, he's going to kill him, he's going to kill him, he's going to kill him....

DAMN, I honestly hoped he'd publicly kill Floch.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Best things this chapter:
Connie ‘brush her teeth’ face
Annie eating pie
Gabi looks like she sat on a pine cone on last page
The comment section
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Oh good, intelligent people. Thought we'd have more like fikmomo22.

None of this makes sense. Their enemies, who murdered so many of their friends and families, killed their brothers-in-arms, are now working with them... against the guy who is saving them? Without Eren Paradis Island cannot realistically survive. The other countries won't just 'leave it alone'. They want, so they take. This is true of all nations, but especially since Paradis Island is defenseless and has no bargaining power - they can come up with reasons to raid Paradis Island until the Walldians are extinct.

Seeing these enemies and traitors working together against the guy they should be backing up is disgusting. Even the civilian populace feels better with Eren putting in the work. If these soldiers are fighting for themselves and NOT for their people, they are traitors. End of story.
Jan 9, 2020
Even if this chapter was supposed to be a parody and/or make things look optimistic for the anti-Eren crew before they face reality and get crushed like insects (similar to Trost), it's still absolute trash and shouldn't have been done this way.
I knew this arc was mediocre (at best) whenever Eren or Zeke weren't present, but this chapter (and the last couple to a lesser extent) are just plain shit. What a waste of the cast. Did Isayama take inspiration from Ishida?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Yeah, after all those years I've decided to drop this manga right now. We can all have a grasp of how things will wrap it up and I hardly believe that it'll have an interesting twist at the end. Generally speaking, these mainstream mangas tend to be moralistic, so why still waste my time reading this if I'm gonna get disappointed at the end? Good luck to you people that will keep reading this.


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018
Rushed, predictable and overly clishe'd to the point of it being actually hilarious. But if in the end Isayama will pull out from under our feet this red carpet of Marvel heroes saving the world he's been rolling out for us and actually have Eren destroy the world, then i'd forgive even such a bad chapter. I'm not raising my expectations of course, a cliche ending is still very likely, but that doesn't mean an author has to necessarily adhere to such story writing patterns.

Also, where the hell is Historia??! Why are we getting so much effin Louise who always was a secondary character and not even a bit of Historia? If Historia really wasn't that important Isayama would simply show her reaction in one small panel and then move on. But not giving her even that bit is suspicious, no matter how in denial some readers might be about her importance and involvement in Eren's decisions.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
All these people in the comments hoping that the anti-eren forces fail, while I'm still here waiting for Eren to finally fucking die, his plan to fail, and have everything be for nothing like the nihilist piece this is. His entire moral is "both sides of a war can be wrong". Marley already had it's time to be "the villains". Now it's Eldia's turn.
If you seriously think all this planning over countless chapters and set up for the anti-Yeagarist's is some big ruse, and think that they'll all die while fucking Floch makes it out alive you're deluding yourselves.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
Wait a minute, now that i'm thinking about it, isn't Eren setting himself self up to do a 'lelouch'? You know.. make himself the grand enemy of the world and have everyone turn against him but in doing so they ally with each other.. And when he's dead they decide on peace.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
The real eldian is the friends they made along the way....Nakama Powerrr!!!
Mar 16, 2018
These last few chapters are hot shounen garbage. Felt like I was reading an entirely different manga.
I was calling people smooth brains with no reading comprehension during the revelation chapters too.

Eren might be the outside world's prime antagonist but the goal doesn't change, the eradication of all Eldians.
A century of peace won't fix 2000 years of bad blood (that has been kept boiling). More so with all the fuel added to the fire recently.

If we consider Eren's "established" motivations then there won't be a Zero Requiem. It feels really cheap going down that route.
My only concern is the "see you later Eren" part. High chance of death, just hope it isn't due to bullshit.

Then again our "heroes" didn't specify Eren. So maybe everyone is getting trolled.

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