Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
I said back then when flock survived the attack which killed Irwin and most of the corps, and I will say it again "I don't like this guy, he will be trouble, kill him now". And look where we are now.


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018

If had children and i had the power to kill the people who already tried and succeeded partially to kill my family and announced they will try once more, then easily i would kill them first before i lose that power, i don't care how many they are or even if there are innocents among them. Every single human i know would prefer the death of countless strangers than that of their family, and you probably are no different.
Mar 7, 2019
Sure are a lot of fucking braindead retards in the comments here lmao. So childish. No wonder AOT fanbase gets a bad rep.

"Eren iz gud guyy. Reiner iz bad guy hur dur dur."

"Why r dey teaming up with the evil ppl? They are evil we are good! I hope eren kill everyone!"

"Hange is pussy as wimp! She doesn't more ppl dead but she is soldierr??? So stipid and inconsistent."

"You never team up with enemy! Hurrrr!"

"This used to be shounen den it wentz to seinen and now itz shonen again! Hur dur dur I'm gonna whine and pout cauze MY braindead interpretation of the story is correct hur dur dur."

The only flaw I see so far is the damn pacing issues like last chapter... feels way too soon for a scenerio like this to happen where they team up with other people who was their enemy. I feel it wasn't properly built up to this point.

HOWEVER even then, they're not really "buddied up." Everyone literally just explained their own intentions for their own benefit. Oh I forgot, lots of AOT fans are children and can't read past a third grade level.

Yelena's conversation bit, to me, was the highlight of the chapter because it pretty shows the hypocrisy of both sides. Even Magath pointed this out chapters ago. Again, AOT being morally gray but each try to justify their actions.

IMO This has never been shonen. Eren is a shonen protagonist, but in seinen realistic setting. Especially when it deals with legitimate problems like racism. Ya'll keep generalizing groups of people but that's exactly what the whole series points out AS WRONG. LOL Not all characters are one dimensional. They're human like everyone else. Sorry to anybody who reads this rant but shit. Aside from a few people here, there are so many dumbasses who can't think critically but comment like they know so much just ticks me off.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
Sure are a lot of fucking braindead retards in the comments here lmao. So childish. No wonder AOT fanbase gets a bad rep.

"Da onlee flaw i sea is da dam pacing isuss... fels wai to sun for a scenario liek dis to hapn were dey deam up with oter ppl who was teir enemy."

Can't believe how many absolute brainlets there are who believe themselves to be smart.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@nakurasan you pretty much summed up. Feels like a bunch of teenagers trying to act to see who is more edgy.

Agree about this arc looking quite fast paced when compared to the previous ones. Still get a feeling this will end with Eren becoming the enemy who will make everyone else join forces to defeat and with some fragile peace alliance being formed later...
Jul 21, 2019
It's official the manga went to shit. Uniting with the enemy after being destroyed by them in the worst inhumane ways possible. Completely unrealistic. Talk no jutsu * 9000. Dropping this.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
I think Jean forgot to address the entire reason they are getting attacked in the first place is because of their natural resources. The whole "island devils" discourse is just a convenient excuse and the marleyans soldiers are so ready to eat it up.

Is true though, none of this would have happened if they didnt start attacking the island when the island was minding its own bis
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
"mass slaughter is wrong"

thats the pinnacle of this shitty mangas slowly declining quality of writing lmao
Mar 6, 2018
Y'all just mad because the shit is ending. Honestly, everything was there since the begining if y'all think this is an asspull or something go re-read and you'll see that pretty much everything has an explanation. I 100% fuck w the rumbling, but had i been a survivor of the OG SL you can bet i would've done everything possible to stop that Eren too. Their motives make sense and shit these kids have seen an absurd amount of destructions in their life. idk why y'all moaning and whining.
Mar 7, 2019
@KeiB Hey dumbass, nice knitpicker of a quote there. You didn't care to explain why my opinion of that is wrong did you? It's fair to say that you felt like I was referring to you, which pretty much tells me how russled your jimmys are. Imagine being mad at someone who has an actual VALID opinion of the pacing of the recent chapters. I, like many people, can be critical of the strengths and flaws of the story.
For example, Connie's cringey ass line at the end of 126, "To save the world." Sometimes the writing and story direction of the series is hot garbage, cliche, and predictable. Never said anything about being the only smart one here, but considering you had such a retarded response, obviously you felt threatened that I pointed people like you out.

If this is about me pointing out the childish sense of morality people like you hold, I'm sorry (not really) that it offends you. Also your "quote" of my synopsis there, I'm not really sure what you're trying to say since you didn't bother to explain anything, but my point still stands.

You could have just easily disagreed at some points of my post, and carefully breakdown what I said there that you don't agree with and define why. But nope, you decided to go ape brain and PROVE MY POINT exactly about the type of fans that AOT has. The only brainlet here is you, and your half assed response proved that. I'll give you another try though you gimp. Just be sure to actually explain something out of your walnut sized skull if you can.

All I did was point out complete edgy dumbasses that were spewing cancer, which seems to be a lot of the fandom that has a childish sense of morality. Nice to know you're one of them, despite your facade of being an armchair expert of "rationale" here.
Mar 7, 2019
@KeiB, that's what I thought gimp. Nothing to say.

@RC1138Boss I know right? It's really common in this fandom for some reason. Actually thinking mass global genocide is "sensible" or "rational" takes the cake for me at exceeded levels of edginess lol. Not that I have a problem with Eren's character or whatnot, but it's the people trying to justify him with stupid reasoning that makes me cringe lmao. Especially since the story quite literally critiques the very thing they're being. Hypocrites.
Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2019
still on team eren bois, talk no jutsu on final arc is no no for me
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
1. Use periods for fuck's sake.
2. Uploading before the JP release date is against the rules. Reported.
Jul 13, 2019

I don’t think that is the snk fanbase, is more the ‘I’m the super cool child trying to shit on popular things’ fanbase.
Oct 4, 2019
"Never said anything about being the only smart one here..."
It certainly shows your ego for you to think you're smart at all. What have you accomplished or done in your life that would make you think you're smart (or any smarter than other human)?
It would be a different story if someone else said you're smart but for you to call others retarded (there by saying you're not retarded yourself) is cringeworthy.

Good luck in the world genius.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
Tbh, I don't like how this turned out. I know we are not at the end so will still need to see more but after so much death I doubt all can be solved by just stopping Eren. Yeah, Eren his plan is not a good thing but in the end, it will complete all his goals. My main problem with this is that they are talking like after Eren is stopped the world will just leave them alone because they will fear the rumbling but it seems the last time there was a risk they did not care. The sad thing is that the only thing the island will get for stoping Eren is a temp truce. Also, the Eren faction shows why a peace option will not work. There will always be people that will not be able to forgive and will use this to get power. The last Titan war has been an age ago and the titan people still live in camps where they can be shot for no reason.

I am impressed that the author is showing that nothing is simple to fix but I think he will try to do a code geass ending where Eren will be the world bad guy so all people can fight him. Sad that the whole Eren faction needs to die that have another world view. I am still in the end on the fence and need to see how the author will try to end this. ^^
Jul 16, 2018
I love how this manga started with the main characters fighting for a small population against mindless titans.
Now they are fighting for all humanity against a much larger titan threat.
Different perspective, but the goal is still the same.

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