Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@deerafl @Mogima
Didn't expect these kinds of comments on MangaDex, of all places. Guess I'll give my two cents. You're both referring to Hypergamy and acting like it is the sole truth of the universe. Here's the problem, Hypogamy exists, too, which is where a woman seeks the OPPOSITE of what Hypergamy entails.

"If the woman does sacrifice the resources criterion and goes for the handsome and charming but badly off guy, resources still need to come from somewhere else. If the woman herself is resourceful, well and good, the problem is more or less solved. This is why women who fall in love with these types of men tend to be rich (think The Notebook again and Titanic). It solves the lack of resources problem." - Hanan Parvez

Going even further,

"There are, without doubt, plenty of examples of women who are hypogamous. Women who choose men who are less capable, less intelligent, and less attractive than they are. There are two key things to consider about this: the first is that hypergamy is a tendency, not a characteristic of all women. Just as some men are naturally hypergamous, some women are naturally hypogamous, but both of these sub-types are typically a small minority in each sex. The second is that a woman’s self-perception influences the decisions she makes. If a woman undervalues herself, she might have the perception that choosing a lower quality man is better as he is less likely to leave her. This is not true, of course, as she is merely projecting her feminine sexuality onto a man and failing to appreciate male sexuality works differently... Another factor is that women with self-knowledge might choose to compromise on a trait like looks or income in exchange for other qualities she prefers, like a capacity for intimacy, intelligence, or creativity. She’s merely accepting her limitations instead of relentlessly seeking a perfection that does not exist." - Random Psychologist named James

Humans rarely follow a single line of logic, any idea or trait or personality exists on a spectrum. SO if what the mother is saying is true, then the opposite she's denying holds just as true (not equally so but still true). Meaning he could totally be fine living as he is, simply being a decent looking guy, and attract a mate who is far better off than him.

And I wanna say this just because I feel like it needs to be said because people tend to forget it when addressing human tendencies: There's a reason we study human psychology as much as we do, humans aren't a simple creature, we are needlessly complex. When a woman marries a poor man and stays with him, stays faithful to him, and sticks with him until the end - even when better chances and mates arrive, that defies typical evolutionary breeding concepts. Are they the exception and not the rule? Maybe (more than likely), I couldn't give you the statistics, but the fact they happen at all is astonishing in and of itself and should be taken into consideration. Also that this is a work of fiction and is hyper-exaggerated for the effect of the plot so it shouldn't be taken seriously in any regard anyway - BUUUUUT I made this long comment so I'm basically being a hypocrite so who cares.


The mom's wrong and is intentionally giving her son a skewed view of the world so warped that time in a black hole couldn't compete with it, just because it's convenient for her personal narrative that it only made sense that she'd bone an orc because he beat her - which it isn't and is probably a sign that she's got some masochistic kinks hiding in her head.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018

i'm sorry this is just too good a chance to pass up :3
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

Then your stomach is stronger than I, my friend. Instead of appalled, I am intrigued and amazed.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2018
I DO aware of hypogamous tendencies, nicely represented by our cute 300 yo witch, Kyouko-sama, with her kink for deadbeat guys

But you shouldnt be too quick to judge that his mom's action is wrong
Imagine their world, with monsters and dungeons, demon lords, dragons, harsh lands, evil officials and probably corrupt religious sect
The only guaranteed way to survive is to be strong, and the best way to ensure that your descendants is as strong (or better) by plowing the best seeds in the most fertile soils

I guessed that you hate her action because she focused too much on "impregnation", that makes the whole "journey of love" feels nothing more than a sexcapades
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

I dislike her and her actions because it feels disingenuous and it's clearly her trying to get her son to act a certain way. This is especially evident when she says that the thing that made her love the orc was getting beaten. If violence and overpowering a woman, in their world, is all it takes to woo a girl into submission (as she says it was with her) then she has no right to talk down on rape. Rape is a vile thing, yes, but in a world where violence and power are enough to make a woman's panties drop then how can she talk down on it when it's only a natural escalation of the overpowering she's referring to? What moral high ground is she on? If the entire point is to become so strong that a woman can't help but spread her legs, why is forcing her into that roll bad? As long as she wants it by the end, why does the method of getting there matter?

You could argue that it's because they "Have to" do it in order to get that response, but that would seem like an easy-out excuse. What if they didn't have to, but still wanted to? Is he still third rate? Why? Because he's choosing to force it instead of letting it be "natural"? Why does it have to be "Natural"? Who decided that? But even then there's a problem! What she refers to as "love" and how she fell into it with the orc is actually Stockholm Syndrome or an aggressive Masochism kink, it isn't natural either. She's messed up in the head either way and she's trying to reflect that screwed up world view into her son.

If she and her words and this world view she gives are to be believed about her world, then this series should actually be Dark Fantasy. In fact, I know it would be if it weren't for that minor "Don't rape" flag that was just thrown in there.

That is why I don't like her, she's actively manipulating her son's insecurities into getting him to act like how she wants him to act, probably because she feels it justifies her. She's manipulative at best and malicious at worst. She is, for all intents and purposes, a terrible character from the onset and it would take A LOT to make me like her even remotely. I don't have the patience for that so I was just like "Nah, I'm good."

P.S. I don't know who Kyouko is, but if she's from a manga that might entertain me then I'd be grateful for you to share it...if she's from this then nevermind, my friend.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
@Hitspark lol.

also on the light of your, and @deerafl 's convo, i gotta side if deerafl on this one.
if i have a son, and there's a choice of letting him stay insecure all his life, or giving him purpose in life(albeit quite a messed-up one), i'd probably choose the later.

all in all, this is a fiction, so let's agree to end this here, shall we?
Feb 6, 2020
Woah. There's some deep conversations going on in this comment section. Guy's, where are the memes? That's what I came for
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

It isn't even really about the purpose he's following after. That doesn't bother me in the slight, it's an isekai about literally making a harem, power fantasy is par for the course and I read the description before I clicked on the first page.

What I dislike is the mother and the sentiments behind her actions. Even if it had been the Chief saying it because he was going to die and he needed his kid to rise up to the challenge and spawn more heirs or something, I'd be fine with everything. But it's not, it's the mom and the way she talks and acts makes it clear she's just a wacked-out perv using her sons insecurities for her own gain.

Again, I want to point this out for clarity: It is his mother I do not like and cannot stand. His goal, the world, etc. I'm not too bothered by, I expected as much.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

If you desire memes you must answer me these questions 3:

What is your Name?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Did you Google the answer?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

The feeling of Control, self-justification and self-satisfaction are the usual things manipulative people get out of it. Even if they get nothing out of manipulating someone, the fact they "made you" do it is usually enough for them. If we're talking about what she would want as a manga character, all those plus some crap about possibly wanting a stronger lineage in her family and it was all a ploy to make her son sow his wild oats in as many fields as possible or something like that (speculation, obviously).

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