A Capable Maid - Ch. 47

Aggregator gang
Dec 7, 2020
Since she got a surname, she won't be able to get out of the palace anymore
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
So, again, this whole "sell through an intermediary, and sell things that are not disallowed" looks really overly simplistic and just kind of cartoonish. Whatever.

They say Germany, explicitly, as a country. Is this supposed to be actual real-world?

Lastly, honestly, maybe just join a convent? Could be a way to at least get out and say she's following in the footsteps of the nun.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
You say that but its litteraly happening in the real world. Thats how countries sell weaponry, chemicals, vehicles, art and jewelry to places they shouldn't. Thats why you sometimes hear of used cars from the USA being driven by insurgent groups in the news.

You lack knowledge on the subject so I won't say anything else but it isn't childish or unrealistic in any way shape or form.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
Whoever is the PR... that marriage registration cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh!
Sep 11, 2019
@comeonnow0 it looks simple because it is. The logistics and varying amounts of paperwork are what may or may not be very difficult.

In some states in the US, you can legally serve underage people alcohol... technically. What happens is those states have a law that allows underage people to drink in the presence and consent of their parents. What the restaurant does is legally sells and serves it directly to the parent/guardian, and then the guardian legally allows their child to drink it. So restaurants can legally sell alcohol knowing that it’s also legal for a child to drink that specific alcoholic drink, but the restaurants cannot legally sell alcohol directly to the underage people.

That’s basically how it works in real life too with things like weapons during wars/confrontations. “I can’t legally sell you these rifles, so I legally sold them to *country* who can legally sell them to you.”
Jun 10, 2020
I'm actually so pissed at the MC. Titles are refusable, idiot. I was wondering what they'd do to force her to stay, but nah it was just something she literally could have just said "No thanks" to with no negative repercussions. That's ALL she had to do, job done. In order to grant her the title she already would have had to be freed, even if she refused the title that would have already been done, so a simple "No thanks" when he tried to knight her would have allowed her to leave with her freedom like she wanted.
Jan 10, 2020
Now that she has a high rank will the crown prince finally tell her that he wants to marry the princess Morina (I'm not sure) and then she will reveal herself and happiness yay?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Darkmeep and @quetzal420

What both of you said actually supports my point. I'm not doubting that it would work. In the previous chapter, the prince explicitly says that this is a method that other countries already use to trade with the pagans, and then he praises Marie for coming up with this idea that is supposedly so brilliant and insightful that no one else had been able to come up with, not even his top advisors.

So...why couldn't they come up with this idea? It's not overly complex. It's not even something that's unheard of. It's literally already being done by other countries. Why is it that there is so much praise for Marie for what should be a fairly straightforward idea? Yes, I know that in actual implementation, it's more complicated, but that's not the point. Why is it so surprising for Marie to come up with this?

@Darkmeep It's insulting how you say that when you didn't know what I meant. I could throw your own words back at you and show that they apply to you more than me, but I won't say anything else.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@comeonnow0 you are missreading.

- trade using seeds and canes instead of finished products: Novelty idea. Marie is being praised for this
- trade using an intermediary for pagans: Already the standard. Marie is NOT being praised for this the prince asked the princess and marie to corroborate if they knew at least this much.
- waging holy war if the pagans refuse the offer: Not a novelty idea, but most people specially sheltered women wouldn't even contemplate starting a war over seeds and canes.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@sorakasturi the negative repercution is that everyone will suspect her reasons for refusing. Going from slave to noble is a dream come true for literally every slave who has ever lived. Marie refusing would put everyone eyes on her.

Its her plan to run away what should bother you. She doesn't have any idea of where to run, what to do there, how to survive, who to trust, etc. There is a drought in a nearby country, roads must be littered with bandits for example.
Feb 16, 2018
Prince obviously gave her that title so that he can marry her. Can't blame him, the other options weren't that beneficial to the empire.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Faryshta To be fair, she says she is a prisoner of war. War is not something with which she would be unfamiliar.

And no, I didn't misread. I'm saying that even then, it's not that praiseworthy. First, what's the point of trading seeds and unfinished products if they use an intermediary either way? "Such a method is already used by the western countries." There's only two options 1) Marie's idea of trading seeds is novel, but it's an unnecessary action because you could just trade food through an intermediary, or 2) Marie's idea is not novel and is already used by the western countries.

Second, let's say that there's some kind of explanation for the above issue. Even then, I just still look at it as cartoonish because of how easily things fall into place. In a typical cartoon, a problem is presented and solved, all within about 20 minutes for the episode. Here, it's the same kind of thing. Any issues are glossed over in favor of wrapping things up quickly. Like the above issue. Maybe there is an answer to my question above, but it's not mentioned in the story. It's just glossed over. Instead, we get heaps and heaps of praise for Marie and how brilliant she is.

You might disagree with me by saying it's an appropriate amount of praise for Marie. However, I don't think what I said has been unreasonable criticisms.

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