A Returner's Magic Should Be Special - Vol. 1 Ch. 39

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Imagine people getting mad at someone else posting his fan translation lol reminds of the early fansubs scene with all this idiotic drama
Jan 7, 2019
I will work on 41 I think comments say I need to proofread more and I need to get better images. Working on 41 will give me the time to do that while Merkai posts theirs
May 15, 2018
The biggest problem with this is, if you are bored, then why dont you do something that doesnt aggrivate others?
Like, I would understand if Meraki did the translation once a week, but they post nearly daily.
You could always find some work that people stopped translating for whatever reason and complete it.
I am thankfull for every translator that comics get, but at some point its not just about translating, its about being part of a community. If you are part of a community you have to try to find peacefull solutions so that everyone can be happy. You could always have asked Meraki if you could translate some chapters and ask their translator which he didnt already do - cooperate with them.

I mean, talking should be part of being in a community, since you wanted to do something for the community. If you didnt, then you could just not have posted this. Meraki will definitely be disappointed and if this series stops being translated then even more people will be sad. So your action (even if you didnt mean to) had a very negative effect.

I just hope for everyone to be happy. Please try to communicate and thanks for your contribution! @swim_north
Jan 20, 2018
How dare you, how DARE you?! How can you just use your free time to try your hand at translating something. Don't you know Meraki is the only group who is allowed, no, PERMITTED to translate this. What will you do now that they are bankrupt due to your snipping? You have killed these people, KILLED them! Couldn't you have translated something that no one is working on despite wanting to only do one chapter which will in turn get peoples hopes up for new chapters.

-Most people in this thread.
(This is a joke if you didn't catch this, calm the fuck down people)
Jan 24, 2018
LOL@the people mad over getting free stuff.

I swear I haven't seen a more ungrateful lot. Just say "Thank you".

If you want to help Meraki Scans donate to their Patreon or their Paypal. That would actually be productive.

Does posting angry comments make you feel good? Congrats, it's completely pointless.

Of course, writing comments is free, you get a nice endorphin rush while doing nothing, costing nothing.

Fun fact: on this series alone Meraki chapters get 70k-50k views each and yet at the time of writing this only 107 people support them on Patreon + 34 on Paypal, 141 in total.

That's not a typo, only one-hundred-and-forty-one of the 70k of you decided to give something back.

99.799% of you value Meraki's work so little that you can't even shell out the equivalent of a Starbucks coffee a month.

I'm calling all of you out. Put your money where your mouth is, or admit you stand for nothing.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@Swim_North i appreciate you responding to feedback, but I still disagree with you. It's not about rules it's about common courtesy. Also, people have sniped groups in the past and it didn't turn out pretty, so there was really no reason to do this when it's coming out a day later (most likely).
If someone scanlated 100 ch of a work and then someone else came out of nowhere and posted ch 101, don't you think that's rude? What if it causes the original, consistent group to lose motivation? Would you, for example, continue scanlating if meraki quit because of this?
All you had to do was communicate with them to be respectful. You said yourself that you like meraki, but this is a bit of a slap in the face to them. Why would they want to release 39 or 40 if someone is going to snipe them without warning?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Meraki shouldn't be too pissed off.
This sniping actually made me go to their website to check the 2 previous chapters.

So they actually got trafic from a sniper, that's pretty nice I think.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
I think we'll see Meraki's response at the bottom of ch 39, so most likely we'll have to wait a day.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
Oh well, in a healthy community @mangadex would just ban and lock all the accounts from his MAC until the sniper proves with emails (or email attempts in case of abandoned works) he sorted it out with the original group (or tried in case of abandoned works).

Imo it's the system's fault that "i was just bored" guys can create new accounts and piss in other's works clearly for their own enjoyment.
Jun 8, 2018
As a reader and fan, I am pretty happy about this fast release.
As a long time manga reader and sometime translator, this isn't pleasant at all to experience.
There is no point to make things unpleasant for others when you aren't even getting paid to do that.
Active member
Mar 17, 2018

Take a chill pill, meraki don't own the manga or have any legal claim in their translations, in fact all their work is illegal, and you are reading this in a illegal website for free.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Maala: Oh well, in a healthy community mangadex would just ban and lock all the accounts from his MAC [...]
?lolWhat? You want to ban someone, because he honestly tried to give it a shot at translating something? On a site that provides translated work! I don't want to pick a fight with you and in most cases I would let everyone have their own opinions in peace, but I couldn't let that one pass.
In a healthy community mangadex would just ban and lock all the hater accounts. That doesn't happen either.

He translated one chapter and announced, that he would do another. No major harm was done and that next one won't either. Seeing how many die hard fans Meraki Scans has here, I also highly doubt, that they'll get demotivated. Let's just see, if their viewer count falls drastically or not. And if it does, Swim_North doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

I know it's also important to keep the chapter lists clean, but doing that by banning people, just because they tried the same thing other people did, who are are more popular (rightly so, as Meraki Scans is awesome), that's a bit harsh.

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