A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, so I Broke off Our Relationship and Made a Fresh Start at the Frontier as a Magic Swordsma…

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
@awerdynerdy I say decent because she obviously isn't malicious towards MC. Nor despising of him. Even thinking about begging for his return. And during their relationship, although belittling him, she was still also worried and training MC. Also, you seem to mistake something here. MC left behind the list, she didn't make it. She also believed her relationship with MC to be based on mutual trust and affection, so she really did like him, and any person capable of at least understanding that kind of compassion should be considered decent. Of course she's still self centered, and has many many flaws in her thought process, but decent person nonetheless.

P.S calm the fuck down.
Aug 28, 2020
@OsoJr It sounds like she has a serious case of saviour complex. People often feel like they're owed something if they help someone who might need it. In this case, she's protecting the MC, and training him to get stronger, but expects to be revered and treated like the strong heroic swordswoman she thinks she is. This likely developed when they were younger, and she was much stronger, making her unable to fathom the idea that the MC might want his own independence, and could be strong enough to live on his own. She's not a bad person, but she needs some serious character development.
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
@Noxdes Are you saying that there's an official English translation that I am not aware of, and the name they went with is "Frick"?

I mean, I'd go with フリック if I can, but when there's an alternative that doesn't stray far from the original, I'd take that instead of something else that sounds different. More so when it could've been spelled either way unless official translation says so otherwise... because, you know, Japan and their L's and R's.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
@pugsil exactly. There's really more hints to the idea she's severely misguided rather than actually despicable.
Nov 2, 2020
Based on the fact that they probably had a much better relationship before she gained her status, I think she was severely influenced in a bad way by the status, but also the other nobility and that this breakup/heartbreak will definitely be a huge wakeup call. I hope they have a reunion and get back together, but only if it goes like this: MC becomes strong adventurer on his own, she resigns as a knight so she can search for him which is proof of how much she cares for him, they reunite, instead of her being condescending she is supportive, they adventure together and are a badass duo which is a force to be reckoned with and then get married and have strong little babies. I think that she probably took the friendly childhood friend teasing too far because of her jump in status and she didn't realize its effect on her beloved. I see some people saying that his self esteem kept getting lowered because of it to the point where it was too hard to say no or to confront her anymore, but he should have confronted her as soon as things started to go side ways and they could have had a talk and sorted things out before it escalated like it did. If that wasn't the case, then it said that he was able to rebuild his self esteem since he went on some solo adventures while she was busy. With that regained self esteem, he could have then been able to approach her to have a conversation with her about it. If she didn't fix herself after that, then, and only then, should he have broken up with her. He did not even give her a chance to become better and instead disappeared on her, leaving her in total despair. Since she was not given that second chance, if they are reunited, she should be able to have that second chance since she never got the chance to change or become better, and if I am being honest, like I said earlier, I believe this break up will end up being a huge wake up call to her and she will be able to change even before she talks with him again. So if you don't agree with me right now, that is fine, but if we are being realistic, in real life, if you had a childhood friend who you loved and who loved you and you started dating because you both loved each other deeply and you also had a great relationship that was very stable and going well, if the other person were to get a large jump in status such as becoming the CEO of amazon and becoming insanely famous and rich, if that person were to start treating you badly, because you knew who she was before all of that, you should talk to her about it so she can change, because someone who is not actually a bad person and simply just got influenced by a status change that was quite overwhelming, 99% they will realize their mistakes by just having a conversation about it with you. As I said, if you don't agree, that is fine, but at least don't act as if she was just straight up a bad person, realize the mistakes on both parties' sides (obviously she made the largest mistake) and consider what I have said. Because I truly do believe that the MC is meant to be with his childhood friend who is a good person, and just made a mistake due to the influence of the change and status and the influence of the more selfish people who she is surrounded by more often because of it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
Damn it's hard to read.

Anyway, I uderstand your point of view but not anyone is able to talk like that when a problem arise, even more when the person have a low self estim.

Here we are a relationship who evolve to a toxic one.
MC didn't get the courage to talk to her, yes. But at least he didn't disapear one day either, he tell her that he didn't want this relationship anymore before and I think it's kind of brave on itself.

I think you have a very logical point of view, but it's not entirely logic here, emotion it's a big part. I didn't thing you are wrong, just to not cut people feeling from the logic.
Nov 2, 2020
They still should have bad the break up talk, he just said "I am breaking up with you" then straight up disappeared. I still hope she finds him and they can make up, but even as of now in the WN/LN, that hasnt happened
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
One word. Selfish.
Aight, imma add a bit more. After she gain status and strength she became blinded by it. And "pressure" or not she started to think she is the know it all type. Yikes, we need more info about if mc did try to confront her when there was change in behavior.
"I don't want anyone know that he's the one who abandon/dump me" wow, now that what she mostly worried about, how will this looked in others eyes? Yep, the more I read this the worse her case becomes.
Jan 18, 2018

I'm conversely starting to have difficulty seeing her as a person, instead of just a twisted plot device from the author. Throwing in a set of negligee fan-service shots while she rolls around alternating between deranged and conflicting adoring and abusive statements... Like, yes: If a person was like her, it'd be horrible; but this is starting to feel unnervingly like she's the straw-person incarnation of something more misogynistic to me. (Or perhaps not misogynistic per se, depending, but something similarly uncomfortable.)

It seemed like a relatively healthy break-up story in the first chapter, this feels weird in comparison. Like the reader is... supposed to think her breakdown is sexy... or something...? Or rather, relish in her degradation (in an uncomfortably somewhat sexual way).

This could still just be because the artist chose poor-taste shots and the author's message didn't really get across, or something... But I'm getting kind of skeptical here.
May 3, 2020
Not even a shred of remorse, just "I must find him and drag him back to my side". Geez.

On a different note, new girl is quite annoying as well. Stalking, stalking, and more stalking. Won't even talk to him, and despite sucking at hiding from him while stalking, she continues to avoid any direct interaction, going so far as to duck from his sight when he turns to look at her.
Apr 23, 2018
God this guy really dodged a bullet and probably a life time of misery. This women completely sounds like the dictionary definition of NPD, the only thing that is lacking is the gaslighting.
Active member
Aug 24, 2020
@pokperson1000 I'd rather be stalked by a girl that has probably no harm than to let an annoying woman gives me an order that will result to my death and won't even ask for forgiveness for what she has done
May 3, 2020
@Cennekie I never said I'd prefer that he go back to his ex, of course that's worse. I just said that both are annoying and would prefer to deal with neither.
Sep 15, 2020
Start fapping so loudly so that when she tries to hear what's going on in your room she gets disgusted
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Is the dude cursed? To have annoying chicks flock around him I mean. Kinda like how that MC of Wordmaster / Konjiki no moji tsukai is cursed to have Loli's fall for him.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 6, 2019
She showered him with gifts as thanks for putting up with her shit and he just abandons her

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