A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, so I Broke off Our Relationship and Made a Fresh Start at the Frontier as a Magic Swordsman

Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
hmm, this not being utter trash is quite unexpected, barely counts as good but can still be enjoyed
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
This is just such a cliche fantasy with all the tropes (not the translator fault, source material) - BUT it becomes hilarious if you embrace the typesetting and it becomes the adventures of FUCK-SAMA, Isekai porn star. Recent lines:

FUCK-SAMA... WITH CERBERUS! (suddenly furry)

And the best:

Yes it's childish, but otherwise I'd have dropped it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
The stuff with Finn/Flick is standard issue, cliche paint-by-numbers "I'm actually the strongest" empty calories junk. It's perfectly fine and a little interesting but not all that original or well-crafted.

All the crap with Alfine is dumb though. She served her purpose at the beginning but then we're supposed to follow a B-story with her because she sorta recognized her fault in everything while also finding out that a whole bunch of stuff is just stacked against her because she needs an even worse enemy to fight (scumbag noble guy and the randomly in-his-employ/aligned-with-him members of her staff for some reason) because otherwise you'd be less inclined to take her side since she spent the opening chapters being a massive bitch.

I'm tired of these stories continuing to use the inciting hero party/ex-friend/betrayer beyond the setup of the "kicked out of the party" trope. It's not that I don't believe in redemption, it's mostly that manga authors suck at redemption stories because they rarely go beyond "oh no, I suddenly realize I was a massive tool all along!" or "you have beaten me in a fight and therefore I will realign my world view to match yours because honor or some similar nonsense."

and non-redemptive hero parties or whatever usually wear out their welcome long before the author chooses to wrap up their plot (take the "S-Rank party" series where the MC is named Yoke and he ends up forming a party with cute girls he once helped train. The scumbag hero party sticks around for like 60+ chapters of just repeatedly being reprehensible assholes and then takes like 5 chapters just to enact their failed final plot and end up dying. It drags sooooo much.
Active member
May 31, 2023
I managed to read the web novel and I immediately jumped off of the ship. Just read the web novel and you'll understand why I decided to drop it
Mar 24, 2023
the romance is trash, but the actual plot is rather good. although still feel generic
Jan 16, 2024
(take the "S-Rank party" series where the MC is named Yoke and he ends up forming a party with cute girls he once helped train. The scumbag hero party sticks around for like 60+ chapters of just repeatedly being reprehensible assholes and then takes like 5 chapters just to enact their failed final plot and end up dying. It drags sooooo much.
I'm not gonna lie, I had already gotten kinda tired of where the story was headed by the time he was fighting the childhood friend guy in that series, and found it genuinely really amusing how long they could drag on the existence of The Worst Guy Ever. Shoutout to the scrolls of asspull 😂
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
I managed to read the web novel and I immediately jumped off of the ship. Just read the web novel and you'll understand why I decided to drop it

I ain't going to read the WN just to know why this sucks. Not that it likely matters any since we've only gotten 1 chapter since the middle of last year.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
So today we get a burst of chapters (It looks caught up to the scanlators' website, but the raws link here seems to show that the actual most recent chapter is the second piece of chapter 26) and it's pretty clear this series is in thin ice. Someone just hit the turbo boosters in the last couple of chapters and rocketed the plot waaaay ahead by skipping a bunch of stuff including what was the cliffhanger from the chapter before the skip. They seem to desperately be trying to get ahead to what they think is the meat of the story (the layers of scheming and shady dealings behind various parties) and have just ignored and glossed over a bunch of other stuff.

I'm starting to expect this series won't last the rest of the year. And while I'll keep reading til the end, I don't think I'll be too sad to see it go. Nothing here is groundbreaking or super interesting aside from the fact that the childhood friend seems to actually have recognized that she was awful to the MC and is trying to change.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
I managed to read the web novel and I immediately jumped off of the ship. Just read the web novel and you'll understand why I decided to drop it
Please please tell me something: do he become lovers with both Noelia and Alfina??? I beg you u please spoil, I am not planning to read the web novel.

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