WHY am I so gullible?????
It took clicking on an ad (I'd never seen a Google Translate ad before lol, no, I wasn't looking for lonely 2D's in my area hahaha) for everything to click XD
AND THEN it made sense that these don't actually make sense.....
I mean the reasoning for them was just so REASONABLE. Corona is forcing people to read more manga. That's an obvious fact lol
And then I remembered a comment mentioning the date.... Which led me here, to vent my sorrows.
And now I'm falling into depression thinking of all the updated manga that I'm going to be excited for only to have my hopes and dreams and sensibilities mercilessly smashed.
Have fun all you amazing scanlators and site administers out there. Just know, I'm gonna grow mushrooms in the corner and cry for the next 2 days.