Aishiteru game wo owarasetai - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - A Childhood Friend... If He Were A Boyfriend

Active member
Jan 8, 2023
"should not impose your view on relationships on others"
"If you don't care as a guy that your girl is talking to other men that means you don't love the girl at all"
pick one
I pick both. Most of that "I don't care that my girl is talking to other men" bs is cope. If your girl was talking to a celebrity (Di Caprio for example) and she was giggling and stuff, any man who loves their girl would get worried so I don't think I'm trying to impose my views. Now, if you are one of those brave men who wouldn't care if their beloved girlfriend talked to a guy no matter who it is then I'll take my statement back (I thought it was a fact how stupid of me to think so) so I'm not imposing my views on anyone.
Active member
Jan 8, 2023
Still annoys me about why typically, even an introverted girl would want to break out and connect with more people, to experience more things, so they will give their effort to do things like improving their appearance, learn to be more confident, and know more things to become part of conversation.
Yet, the introverted boys just give up from the start thinking it's too tiresome or because they will never be the leader of the pack, yet get upset when he saw the girl is moving ahead, leaving him behind because her world is no longer limited to just the two of them (she got friends, and other things she want to do).
Yeah, as a guy or you try your hardest or you don't care at all, when you don't try but care at the same time you lose. The reason why the girl moving on is very typical is cuz that's how it is in real life. Girls move on easier than men do and girls are way better social creatures than men are, that's why when you are good socially as a guy you get all the girls and that creates a rlly big gap between him (the minority) and the rest (the vast majority of dudes). The reason introverts give up is cuz it's unconfortable to change and changing in these cases requieres a 360. Only a few guys pursue this change but it could never come to fruition til later in life cuz it takes time. It sucks but usually the main character is a reflection of the author and possibly the reflection of most men so yeah, life is tuff
Feb 24, 2023
Now in response to what you are saying, I'm not saying that a partner should do things out of jealousy, I'm saying that you can feel that way sometimes and you have to control it but the idea of "it's wrong to be jealous" is ridiculous.
I think it's perfectly healthy for a girl to be jealous in a relationship as long as it doesn't turn into an obsession. The problem is that today with all the stimuli and how artificial are interactions within young generations it's difficult to have a longlasting relationship wether any of the partners feel jealousy or not, it's not due to the feeling but due to the enviroment in which these relationships are taking place. Think about it, jealousy always existed yet relationships in previous generations (like yours) were healthier, so if jealousy already existed what could possibly have changed? Social media for example. I'm just saying.

I agree with you, jealousy has always existed, still is and the over-stimuli people get today is probably making things more complicated. I admit that it's a pretty normal emotion.
But I disagree that it's healthy even without being an obsession (refusing that your partner have friends of the opposite sex is already quite obsessive to me). I have two daughters and have a lot of younger friends, I'm no stranger to how things are going now between young (and less young) people. And I'm still convinced that being openly jealous and possessive does not bring the couple together, nor now nor in the past, it helps break it. If one of the partners already has a tendency to look elsewhere, being jealous will only repel him or her even more. As such, it cannot be considered healthy.
It's not "wrong" to be jealous, as I think we agreed, it's a normal emotion. But it is "bad" one as it is destructive and I think it's better to fight against it and try instead to trust your partner. If he or she's a nice person, it will strengthen your ties with her or him. If the partner takes advantage of it, then you're better off with someone else anyway.
One last thing: long lasting relationships are never an easy ride, never have been. It's been more than 30 years where I live that one third of the married couple break up within 3 years. There are always rough times. What makes these relationships last is to discuss, compromise and agree to reinvent the relationship once in a while. And allow some private space to both.

EDIT: Rereading my posts on this topic, I realize that I'm basically repeating the same things again and again, not a very constructive way of discussing, I'm afraid. I'll stop flooding this thread now. Thanks for the discussion, even if we disagree, it's always interesting to have different points of view. I'll read wour answer if you bother writing one. Cheers.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 6, 2019
I pick both. Most of that "I don't care that my girl is talking to other men" bs is cope. If your girl was talking to a celebrity (Di Caprio for example) and she was giggling and stuff, any man who loves their girl would get worried so I don't think I'm trying to impose my views. Now, if you are one of those brave men who wouldn't care if their beloved girlfriend talked to a guy no matter who it is then I'll take my statement back (I thought it was a fact how stupid of me to think so) so I'm not imposing my views
Yeah... The thing is, I know my wife well enough to not feel insecure if she talks to another man... And as far I know this is far from being uncommon
Dex-chan lover
Aug 6, 2019
Anyway... One thing is feeling jealous and the other is having this kind of thoughts. I mean, i believe probably is relative common but to be honest it's an alien thought to me. And to any male reference I had in my life.
Feeling jealous in some conditions is normal thought (but I disagree is a proof of love)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
The most frustrating part of this whole story is that they're constantly sharing honest feelings with each other (most of the time), only to walk everything back with the "oH wHaT's tHis, diD i mAkE yoUr heArt FaRT agaNe?"...:fml:
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2023
Would be great to see Miku’s reaction if Yukiya is the popular one and girls are flocking him
Double-page supporter
May 13, 2023
This is a chapter that makes me quite uncomfortable. I hope Yukiya could try harder for his feelings.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
Tsk I shouldn't have gone to page 2 of the comments. Disgusting people have invaded.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
Yukiya, don't go there. That level of possessive BS can only end badly. If it's not needed, it's harmful and stupid, and if it is needed, that's one serious issue some weak ass blustering at mate guarding can't fix. Jealousy is good feeling as an indicator of a problem (the problem here being that you're not with her pronto like you'd honestly want to and it makes you insecure. Fix it BTW) to be fixed, problems aren't the thing to base a relationship on.

Beside that, Is it just me, or was that nameless rando quite a chad in disguise? He was kind of interested, so he went to see if he can make something happen. He then saw that he was stepping on some toes and on sensitive environment, so he promptly gave a good reason to bow out to avoid becoming the third wheel or ruining the obviously going on things between these two. Shoot shot, no harm done and the world goes on.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2023
Idk why people are surprised he’s possessive? Him being NTR’d has been his greatest fear the whole manga, y’all even read this shit?

also feel bad for her once she let’s him smash, dudes horny.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
I want to rant about how Yukiya turned into an introvert when he wasn't as a kid, but then I remember that's exactly how I turned out, minus the childhood friend :fml:

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