Akatsuki no Yona - Vol. 34 Ch. 196 - The Pain That Was Inflicted, on Those Who Inflicted It

Dec 1, 2019
The translator needs to stop adding their own thoughts on the edges. It's super unprofessional and distracting.
Jul 24, 2020
I really like these flashback chapters showing us the other side of the story, but God, how I miss Yona! Hopefully we'll see her in october

Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Rubbiccino agreed, yonhi seemed to be overwhelmed by the idea of intervening in any of this situations at every turn. It breaks my heart :c
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 22, 2020
I mean ... It was obvious from the start that Soowon was a good king. The only thing I blamed him for was how he ascended to the throne. Because, no matter what Il said, Yona would have probably married Soowon once she'd be of age. Had he just wait a year, he would have found himself king. Knowing that, in the end, he really did kill him out of vengeance and not only because he was incompetent just makes me despise him more ...
To be fair, everyone in this arc pisses me off, including Soowon's mother, with how she's just ... Sitting here and doing concretely nothing except pitying herself and the others ? Like ... It's your husband, it's your only friend, it's your brother in law, it's your son, FUCKING SAY SOMETHING AND STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM !!!
Ok, it isn't fair, but I'm salty. I love this arc tho ... It's good to know that everything going bad in Yona's life is because everyone was petty and/or stupid, but I really can't wait to get back to everyone !
I have a question ! We already know that Il's was concretely stupid, but even if he was right about Yona being the Red Dragon (which he is, but seeing the events in his time ? Yeah, you're just putting the future of your contry on a fucking fairy tale, but whatever) why didn't he let Yona learns how to fight ? Hiryuu was known for how powerful in was in wars, isn't it ? So what's this bullshit of keeping Yona away from weapons if you "know" she's King Hiryuu reincarnation ?
Jan 26, 2018
@Rubbiccino Thank you, you basically took the words right out of my mouth about everything.

Also I don't get why everyone is so convinced that Yuhon killed Kashi. We didn't get a confirmation, and at this point that has to mean that the author Kusanagi is leaving it out on purpose, probably for a twist. Personally I think it really was just bandits, but there's still not enough information to be certain either way. Il didn't say he had any proof that Yuhon did it; he just inferred based on Yuhon's previous actions against the priests. Not saying I like Yuhon at all, but he was right about Il. Il did nothing for his kingdom, letting his people starve and get attacked without raising a hand to help them. Okay, sure, he's no coward, but then what is he? Why did he sit and wait as his kingdom fell apart? The story implies that it's because Il was convinced Yona would save them all, but again, I'm not sure if it's 100% certain to be the reason. We just have to keep reading.

About Soowon: Everyone wishing Yona/Hak kills him has completely missed the point of the series and of this arc—that revenge is not the answer. He may very likely die, but imo it'll be as Yona's Shield. And lastly I don't get the claims of Soowon being a psychopath. His personality shown in this chapter is nothing new. We've known that he has never been an ordinary child, and we already know that he's got scary intelligence and cool-headedness. It's not like his feelings for Yona are fake. We've seen throughout the series that he does genuinely like her, to the point of wavering when he should have dealt with her time and time again. It's just that his prioritizing of the 'kingdom' (whether or not learned from his father) takes precedence over his own personal feelings. He didn't say that he would kill Il guaranteed, only if Il turned out to be a bad king for the kingdom. Which he did. We also don't know Soowon's end game yet, either. There are still too many unknowns for me to cast final judgement on any of the characters yet.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
I'm actually impressed that we did have a confirmation of who killed Yu-hon. I thought that was going to be left ambiguous, given that I doubted Yon-hi could have access to that kind of information.

As for the murder of Kashi, I see people are pointing out Il's words are no smoking gun. That's fine. It's true, we only have his word for it. There's no way Lady Yon-hi's memoir could be a reliable source for that, but we can't hope to learn details about that at this point. Still, the accusation is there, and Il seemed quite sure of his facts. Of course, he might have been mistaken, but I wonder whether Kashi's forecasts hadn't already told him Yu-hon was a danger to Yona.

My guess is that we'll only have confirmation that Yu-hon had Kashi murdered when Hak faces Hyoo-ri in combat. I'm pretty sure he is the murderer.
Jun 9, 2020
@sukaley @Rubbiccino Omg thank you, I completely agree with your thoughts.

I did find it odd that Il was convinced that Yuhon killed Kashi. From what we've seen, he doesn't seem like the person to lie about such a matter, as he blatantly told his wife that he killed the priests. I think if he did kill Kashi, he probably would have said so. "Yes, I killed her." Idk, maybe he lied to spare Il's feelings? But he would've died either way and I'm sure he knows his brother well enough to tell him the truth.

All these characters have their strengths and weaknesses which I find very charming. (However, it's quite evident, SOME people are quick to hate characters simply because Yona is the main character and this is mostly told from her perspective. Shows how close-minded people can be.) For instance, Il has a big heart and wishes for peace, but neglects his duties as a king and leaves many to die from starvation, drought, etc and believes the gods will save the country (which, if you know your history or read any historical books, you know never happens). Yuhon is loyal, brave, and loving, but extremely prone to rash and irrational actions, such as killing all the priests. Yonhi realizes all of this and is disturbed by the violence but can't voice her thoughts because she's too passive (or maybe it's because of the time and women aren't supposed to say their opinions). Soowon is an intelligent and effective leader despite the fact he is cold-hearted. He has enough compassion to draw people to him, but he doesn't let emotions hinder his decisions. In fact, rather than calling him a psychopath (which is completely untrue, please do your research on psychopaths before labeling him as one, thanks), I'd say he's simply beyond his years.

And as Rubbiccino said before, vengeance isn't the way to go. Sure, it's satisfying to the individual and a few others, but ultimately, it starts a very vicious cycle. There's a show called roots and I believed in one of the episodes, the tribe leader was telling the teenagers to simply defeat the other tribe or negotiate with them. The main character asked "Why can't we just kill them?" to which the leader responded that killing would accomplish nothing, you are only making yourself an enemy of his children.

(Regarding the margin notes, I do find them annoying, but not because it distracts me. I prefer formulating my own opinion first and then being open to others' opinions, rather than having the margin notes influence me while I'm still read/making my opinion. Also so I'd really appreciate it if you could not use terms like psychopath without actually knowing what a psychopath is. So if you don't mind, translators, I hope you can move the notes to the bottom section after I've made my own opinion, or something. Anyways, thanks for the hard work!)
Apr 24, 2018
@Rubbiccino I completely agree with everything you said you hit the nail on the head on how i felt about this whole chapter and each character involvement in the story.
Mar 25, 2020
i thought he had a good reason to kill king ll but that was really made me hate him even more .
soowon had to be suffer more pls mangaka-san ;)
Oct 3, 2018
Il was a fool through and through. it was a good thing he was replaced (as we've seen in previous chapters).
Group Leader
Mar 26, 2019
I don’t think Yu Hon killed Kashi he cares for his brother and wouldn’t murder his Wife at this point it seems that someone is pulling the strings
Mar 19, 2020
@Ellollie Well said!
Although I don't mind the margin notes.
My only issue is that the font is so small that I can't read it if I want to.

And I'm not convinced YuHon killed Kashi. Aside that all there is is Il's opinion, intuitively I'm just not feeling it.

Thanks for the chapter!
Jun 26, 2020
So many opinions but I think it's the complexity in everyone's decisions, and how there isn't truly a white or black conclusion to the blame game of who's fault is it or who's wrong that makes Akatsuki no Yona so good. I also have my own essay of opinions, but idk if I can type it all here haha.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
The funny thing about the neverending chain of revenge that Yona is (probably) going to put an end to by not killing Soo-Won is . . . there's nobody left to take revenge for Soo-Won, so in this case it wouldn't actually be unending.


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018
Whether there will be a final confrontation between Yona and Soo-Won it really depends on the latter actions. If he's just going to protect Kouka everything will be alright and i have no doubt Yona will never seek revenge. If instead he's going to pursue Yu-Hon's expansionistic dreams then that is another matter, Yona will never stand for it and she will oppose him, whatever the cost.

In all of this i wonder how exactly the prophecy of the "sword and shield which will protect the king" will unfold. Given that they are all forming an alliance now and there is a conflict to settle between the Earth tribe and Kai, the straightforward intepretation looking at face value would be that Suu-Won is the king and the Happy Hungry Bunch his sword and shield.

However we cannot ignore the hints about Suu-Won inhuman nature as well as the burden left on his shoulder by his parents. He probably feels responsible to make sure his mother struggling was not in vain as well as making "justice" for his father (as ridiculous as it sounds) whose ambition we've just found out in this chapter. Plus Suu-Won is carrying an illness that will eventually kill him, which might be urging him to settle all Kouka's future problems in a shorter amount of time than a peaceful approach would require.

And most importantly, there are almost 200 chapter of building up the tension between the 2 parties who fight for Kouka, ever since chapter 1. I'm rather skeptic at the idea that we won't get the final confrontation between Yona and Suu-Won, everything is naturally pointing at it. The only doubt is how Suu-Won is going to kick the bucket, and we know he will in any case because of the illness.
Aug 8, 2020
Honestly does people even know what a psychopath is?
It seems like some salty ignorant opinions started it and it got spread through herd mentality in this fandom 🤣💀
Jun 29, 2020
yo, still thinking that there is some bigger maderfacker in this story and is trying to fuck up the kingdom by putting the possible successor in chaos. And that suwon knows about it and is planning ahead of time.

@Lux i kinda dont like the possibility that the happy hungry bunch would be suwon's sword and shield lol. I mean i kinda want the happy hungry bunch to be yona's alone (i dont mean this in a weird way), coz like they're basically her only family right?

And i'm kinda skeptical about the thing that suwon killed king il for revenge. Doesnt sound reasonable, if we view suwon as someone who is overly rational and prioritizes the future of the kingdom. Maybe there's more reason behind it?

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