Wouldn't be Hamita if he did.
The stages of a Hamita manga reader.
I feel like the people who say this were introduced to Hamita through his water bear manga or Uchuujin no Kakushigoto, and not his manga about the freeloading Italian girl or the Twitter comic where the robot maid pees herself that one time.don't get to attached to characters from any of Hamita's works. you will just hurt yourself more later
Yeah.Woops, forgot to retranslate that part immediately
Any "Yeah"s have been indefinitely banned to the timeout corner.
Huh?!? It was Hamita who wrote Francesca's story?Their name is...
...Rain Man.
I feel like the people who say this were introduced to Hamita through his water bear manga or Uchuujin no Kakushigoto, and not his manga about the freeloading Italian girl or the Twitter comic where the robot maid pees herself that one time.
I get the reputation, but the guy evidently tries to make different kinds of stories.
The story does have a naturalist feel - regular people just scraping by in an uncaring universe, powerless against the forces of fate.Please don't tell me it will be the case where she tells him her backstory & dies on back as soon as the story ends? God Hamita sensei, don't you have a heart? Thanks for the translations.