Time for my usual Chapter review. Huge shoutout to Soundfox, 5pike, Wulfy, Jujstme our typesetter and cleaners/redrawers.
Basically a date that is not a date, which describes Legoshi & Haru Dynamic. Their school meet ups in ch 50 can be considered as a date, but not really. Wonder how many times did they date in the 2 months, or was this first time?
Damn, the Udon shop gave him his job back?
The rabbit ear thing is a real thing apparently
Feels rushing for proposal since they haven’t lived together yet, but make sense with Legoshi confession in 149 already existed.
Legoshi is used to slouching for Haru.
Bruh, why was the special case not given in the first place? I guess they really wanted it as a reward and not hand it out willy nilly?
Seems to be a bad call for a movie date per what Juno & Louis experienced, but their focus is different. Juno and Louis are equal, while Legoshi & Haru have different status which is emphasised here.
So Louis tried to be a bro and help Haru x Legoshi since his thing with Juno failed?
Note: Ch 34, Legoshi tried to confess to Haru, but she cuts him off.
If Legoshi though Haru was so important, why ignore her for months….
RIP, the signs on pg 11 confirms end of Beastars,
People are bound to over blow Haru scare, but it is the fitting nature of their relationship which is never simple. Beside Haru noted in ch 38 [during shishigumi rescue] that she didn’t want to be treated as a helpless animal. With Legoshi being perfect, that all she has been reduced to as plot device. Remember ch 166 which didn’t seem to make sense. While Paru may have dropped the plot with Melon, does indicate Haru’s issues with the meaning of her life. People were so focused on Legoshi, that they forget Haru is also a main character of her story and not just a princess to be rescued.
Personally, it could be fitting as a second to last chapter, as series is ending on 196, end of volume 22.
If the series end on volume 23, that would be much much better to have more closure.
I rate thus as 4/5