Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Hmm...the implication seems to be that this time around is indeed harder on them for some reason. I wonder why?

The aunt is showing some pretty blatant disrespect there. How is she getting away with that? Bah. In due time, hopefully.
Oct 29, 2019
I agree with the other comments, what is the sense of Hari's going back to the past? ... she can't even use her past knowledge and maturity to help these kids.🤦 She only acts as bystander and just waiting for the phase to pass 🤦 I know that she's powerless but she atleast can help for the brothers to unite or do something for better communications between them.
Jun 17, 2019
She lived twice and still can't grow any balls, this is getting too long that I might have to drop this
Active member
Dec 3, 2018
I feel bad for the brothers aaaagh. Hari why aren't you doing anything, you're supposed to be the adult here....
May 25, 2019
I agree with lots of you. It has become such an infuriating story because this has reincarnation angle. The flaw being main lead being stupid even though she's supposed to be doing FKING SOMETHING
Mar 9, 2018
Oh my goodness! I'm seriously tempted to unfollow this story until something actually happens! Sheesh!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Isnt it about time she got rid of the aunt, use your adult knowledge to help out the brothers, everything seems harder because your an adult that can properly assess the situation but your doing nothing about them
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

If I had to guess, it is because the 'uncle and aunts plot' was foiled the first time, and that the family is more united than the previous iteration, so they're trying to force them into a corner.
Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018
@JWChibi Exactly. But it wont happen. She'll probably borrow her Brother influence. She's too much of a flower in a vase.

It just feels that all their problems - is something she's carrying and holding their burdens. Everyone has psychological issues in their mind + which adds more drama.
Sep 11, 2019
OMG Why she don't help her brothers and get of the rid of her relatives???????? Is she stupid?!
Aggregator gang
Apr 17, 2018
1. she sheltered in her previous life
2. eugane is stressed as hell and i don't think he tackle another problem
3. she not legitimate child, what ever she do, doesn't matter without backing from legitimate child which 1. stressed, 2. traumatized, 3. aunty loved
Aug 9, 2018
FL is useless, live through 2nd life and does nothing notable to change her fate
>Knows that parents will die but does nothing big to change it
>Knows that her adoptive relatives are shady af yet does nothing but gets whipped by her aunt.
>Rebels a little but the action is so fucking inconsequential to the whole plot like why even bother staining her dress if you're just gonna get whipped. At least make her feel life threatened when she's with you or smth crazy, at least that would be interesting. smh
>Doesn't talk to her brothers or actively do something to change the status quo inside their house.
Like wtf.. isnt this girl an adult reincarnated into a child, did she lose all her braincells when she reincarnated???? Girl just goes along 2nd life as passively possible like wtffff you wasting your chance girl. DO SOMETHING LIKE WTF WHY ARE YOU EVEN JUST SDKDKDK what a basic boring bitch smh
Nov 2, 2019
It's great to see so many people in the comments completely ignore that stories need conflict and
that if everything can be resolved in a single chapter, nobody would read such a boring story.

I didn't know having an 'adult' mind was a superpower and can fix everything with a snap of the fingers!
I mean it's not like the MC is adopted and not accepted by the family, or the nobility.
Or that the aunt is also an adult.
Or the MC is a little girl and has no power in any way, shape or form.
Or that even her brothers don't particularly love her.
Or that she hates this family and wants out.
As soon as the MC puts a toe out of line she'll be immediately beaten down or worse, thrown back into the streets because she's NOT part of the family.
MC is an outsider and if she wants to survive, she has to keep her head down until she gets the backing of someone more powerful.

They broke Eugene's leg.
They broke the DUKE'S LEG.
They might have our MC have a fatal 'accident' if she actually does try to get rid of the aunt impulsively.
Slow and steady wins the war.


Active member
Mar 24, 2019
Even if she tells Eugene about the abuse and her suspicions, he cant do much. His relatives might back up the Aunt or replace her with someone who is more or just as cunning but more discreet.
I hope she does find a way to make thinks better rather than just letting her siblings and herself endure this. But thats not an easy thing to do either. If she prompts Eugene to do something, it could become reckless because the adults are very conniving and will do anything to get their hands on their wealth. If they could get Eugene to break his leg, they might do even worse to her because she isnt blood related
Active member
Mar 11, 2018
Ahm. She's still a kid. Mind of an adult, body and powers of a child. Parents did die, but she prolonged their lives, proving she's not all-knowing and her parents death was fate. Can't defend herself properly against her aunt, because again, child. And what do you mean with won't change status quo? She's doing what she can. Everyone is overwhelmed. Her options are super limited with a brother that just became head of an household around hostile, suppressing nobles, and two grief-wrecked brothers. Plus, as a woman and as a child, she can't help in any major political way.

I actually like that any changes that happen, happen slowly. It's realistic. If I want a magical solution to everything and a badass guy or gal whose OP powers alone makes everyone listen to them, I'd read some of the shittier isekais.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@enjay don't be too harsh on them. They are simply lonely enough to play God on their own.

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