Blue Hearts

Dex-chan lover
Jul 17, 2019
lol wtf
so main girl gets raped?
heck no thats a big no no from me bruh
Mar 6, 2019
Lol. Some people can't see it but there is more to it. It's not like other stories like "Oh fuck! I have a boring life , Iwant to have a fun high school life." No shit. Really. As I can see in the Blue Hearts, there is more to it. Have you asked yourself why are you not interested in other people? Have you asked yourself why Nagi wanted a "fun high school life"? These guys have fucked up life involved in some shit. I appreciate where the writer leads it and even if I try to defend this story as a good story. Of course, we could not agree on the same thing.

Anyway as I was saying, this story is good. If you are angry because of rape scene, that's fine because that's reality. If you think the story is too fast for you, that's fine because maybe you aren't aware of the possibility that the author wanted to keep it short. If you find the characters too shallow, that's also fine but to me, the characters aren't that transparent. If you didn't find it very realistic, it's fine because maybe just maybe you are not aware that this is a fiction. If you find this to disturbing, maybe you have ignore these stuffs because you wanted to be entertained. OF COURSE, THAT'S ALL ME.

If I appreciate it and you don't, it's fine because as a person who was bored, bullied, isolated, bystander, sexually harrassed and suicidal, this is graphic novel close to my reality. Just saying. Anyway, thank you author for soothing my soul.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
The problem with this manga isn't what it's trying to do. I think what it's trying to do is admirable. The problem is that it's not very good at it.

You want to show the darker side of people, fine, but some of the scenes in this manga are so over-the-top to the point where they don't even feel realistic anymore. Like in chapter 24:
The whole class tricks a girl into literally committing suicide, laughs at her even after it happens, burns her suicide note (thus tampering with a crime scene), and race to be first to post pictures of her dead body on social media. Come on, people can be shit sometimes but they're not THAT shit. I can understand showing people bullying a girl to the point of suicide (it happens), but at that point even most bullies are going to be a little taken back. There is zero hesitation or remorse in these 'people'...and I put that in quotes because it feels so unnatural I can't even see them as people anymore.

The worst part is that none of this is actually necessary. Having some tragedy in there is fine but there's no actual need to go that fact going that far hurts the story because even putting aside whether the perpetrators are behaving realistically, frankly speaking it's hard to believe that the victims are even still attending school normally after experiencing these things and not shut-ins or spending all day in therapy. This level of tragedy is not normal.
Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
That sexual violence tag worries me... Is it worse than Banana Fish or not? My mental state can only take so much, can someone tell me pretty please? ( ˘•ω•˘ )
Active member
Jan 10, 2019
@Kryspy_Kreme Nah, it isnt anything over the top.

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Jul 21, 2018
@Kryspy_Kreme Well..if gangbang-rape it's "isnt anything over the top." then yea

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Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
@cyphexada Oh shit, I'm glad I haven't read it. Thanks for the reply!

If I may ask, was it shown in a way it went through that shit or just the psychological effects of it and foreshadowing? :(;゙゚ω゚):

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Jul 21, 2018
@Kryspy_Kreme I mean, there was 1 page* when a group of guys surrounds her and on the next one she's already raped
soo it's more like the second one

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Oct 10, 2019
Excuse me, may I ask when will you update the new chapter? I want to see the follow-up story. Thank you very much!
Double-page supporter
Jul 3, 2018
@Kevadu Seriously?
I get the bullying into suicide thing, hell I can even go so far as to say that them laughing at a person's suicide is possible, but I'm pretty sure there's very few high-schoolers that'd do that upon seeing a dead body. That's not exactly a 'hey guys check it out' situation.
I was waiting a bit before coming back to this to see if it picks up since I'm a huge fan of ReLife, but it looks like this really isn't my kind of thing. Damn.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
what a let down compare to relife. this is so bad even though relife is one of my favourite manga i dont wanna believe it was pure luck that she/he produced relife but when i see this i feel like it was.
i'd pay a lot to erase this from my memory now i can't help but feel like relife's author isnt that good. i sincerely hope this will get axed for the author to start something new
i kinda get what this manga is trying to do but the author really doesnt know how to express it she/he just express it in the worst way possible


Apr 9, 2019
The series is very popular in comico so nah, it's not gonna get axed anytime soon. I'm still following the raw since it does get better, even if the mc is still an idiot. And Yayoi sensei is female, even her japanese wikipedia article stated so.
Jun 18, 2018

finally neat to see similar opinion and can't agree enough. The first ten chapters were truly awful but then managed to pick up later until it got very bad quickly when author started to spice up the story with dark theme which the execution is really lacking originality (compare similar manga I've read) and its bad moments reminds me of those trash manga like Ikenie Touhyou. I guess writing dark story don't feels like isn't author style imo.
Relife was pretty good especially the first 100 chapters were intense and rest were no near downhill and did wrapped up everything perfectly (that 90% new manga basically fails). I too hope this manga somehow gets axed and author will learn mistake from it and then give us another quality manga like relife.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2019
haven't read this yet but it sounds like this wasn't "rape", just a slut being a slut. on the one hand, good for the author for showing reality, but on the other, it sounds like there's a lot of white knighting afterwards.
Sep 26, 2019
You're correct. The used goods slut had it coming for multi-timing. The tag should be removed too. Especially as the scene wasn't even shown.

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