@Msaid08 He fell because he was taking a photo for her and didn't see the cliff. She was already feeling guilty by not being very helpful, so it's even worse now that she thinks everything is her fault
@Elandriel next chapter scenes most like. I imagine he'll find the courage and honesty within himself to say that he is enjoying the time with her, and that she souldn't feel guilty, judging by how he is saying it with apparent conviction and she is crying.
@Shareazu You're right!, The author drops bits of the next chapter on twitter one bit after the newest chapter and days before the release of the next one.
It seems next chapter might be amazing! (Btw, Its coming January 4th).
@Vicic how are you not understanding what is happening? He fell and fractured his arm while taking a picture he promised here. So now she feels responsible for it. Are you daft or just a speed-reader?