Boku no Suki na Hito ga Suki na Hito - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2020
Those fricking dolls arent wrapping their hands around each other´s necks.

Even if they didnt kiss, Prez said fuck it and went for the kill.
Im amazed by how the author has managed to avoid the "hes literally me" character approach that most rom com cast have, Sorapoyo while ultimately a nice guy does have flaws and doubts that steem from his lack of experience, tact and touch.
Similarly Prez isnt a shrinking violet that just wants her beloved to be happy, even if its in spite of herself, she is being active in pursuing something, anything with Sora.
Like Ive seen so many girls in romcom just give up because the main cast is just happy together and its like, na ho hes not taken and that means open season.
Fo sho better than the "will they or wont they" carrot in the stick dangling that plagues the genre.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2023
I have noticed the author is side lining Fuwa hard.

It's as if they don't actually see her as a true main character, but instead just a plot device for conflict instead.
I mean, we all know who the true main heroine is, I can already see that when Fuwa eventually begins to legit like him or realize her feelings the MC is going to begin switching sides or be in that 50/50 situation which is basically Nisekoi all over again. It would be a true plot twist if Fuwa somehow won, the true question is it if she is going to be a proper rival or just a plot device, if the situations stays the same I give less than 20 chapters to President and MC get together.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I have noticed the author is side lining Fuwa hard.

It's as if they don't actually see her as a true main character, but instead just a plot device for conflict instead.
I think he realized that he forgot to make Fuwa likeable for the longest time. She's creeping on prez hard, and all but abusing their friendship to satisfy her desires, while also being unduly abrasive to the MC. It's only fairly recently that she started showing some positive traits, whereas both MC and prez have been pretty positive and sympathetic from the start..
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Because Fuwa is the most wonderful girl in world.

Like, I get it. You like who you like for reasons but what has Fuwa demonstrated in the manga that warranted to this type of response from him. She has a soft spot for him but she has treated him like walking garbage for the majority of the manga so far. I know the author gonna cook up a flashback later on for it but right now I just find it bizarre.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
Like, I get it. You like who you like for reasons but what has Fuwa demonstrated in the manga that warranted to this type of response from him. She has a soft spot for him but she has treated him like walking garbage for the majority of the manga so far. I know the author gonna cook up a flashback later on for it but right now I just find it bizarre.
Maybe he is into that?

"Whip me harder mommy!":kreygasm:


Jan 23, 2018
Why do I feel like this story will end her randomly ending up with the girl despite liking the guy the entire story? I'm getting Ao no Flag vibes which had an awful ending. (There, I said it.)
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Why do I feel like this story will end her randomly ending up with the girl despite liking the guy the entire story? I'm getting ao no Flag vibes which had an awful ending. (There, I said it.)
I had just successfully managed to blank that shit ending from my mind. Way to just utterly shit all over the entire rest of your story in the last 1.5 chapters, by completely ignoring and subverting all the development and insight you've slowly built up, by giving every character the most unsatisfying and pathetic ending possible.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
I have noticed the author is side lining Fuwa hard.

It's as if they don't actually see her as a true main character, but instead just a plot device for conflict instead.
Yeah it's as if they made her personality unlikable for that very purpose, and knowing the MC is into her and says she's 'the greatest woman ever' ... like dude, how many women have you seen or talked to to come to that conclusion?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Yeah it's as if they made her personality unlikable for that very purpose, and knowing the MC is into her and says she's 'the greatest woman ever' ... like dude, how many women have you seen or talked to to come to that conclusion?
Hey, you know what they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and love is some crazy shit
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2023
Hey, you know what they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and love is some crazy shit
I guess it's easy to forget that love is not the most rational thing, just because someone is 'better' doesn't mean that the MC should like them automatically, I like how the MC clearly shows that he isn't really into her at the moment regardless how wonderful she might be to the readers right now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Damn she couldn't keep it in anymore (understandably). I hightly doubt she will tell him the truth but we will see.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
I have noticed the author is side lining Fuwa hard.

It's as if they don't actually see her as a true main character, but instead just a plot device for conflict instead.
Well she kinda is, isn't she? I can't see the FMC swinging that way all of a sudden just because she has a crash. It is doomed from the start.


Jan 23, 2018
I had just successfully managed to blank that shit ending from my mind. Way to just utterly shit all over the entire rest of your story in the last 1.5 chapters, by completely ignoring and subverting all the development and insight you've slowly built up, by giving every character the most unsatisfying and pathetic ending possible.
I'm so sorry and I know, right?

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