Boukenka ni Narou! Skill Board de Dungeon Kouryaku - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I dont get it, why is he helping them? Should just take off his mask and deal with everything calmly and safely.
To begin with, why did he endanger the girls by just standing there and watching when he was invisible as they began to manhandle the girls with an arrow trained on them?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Yep, agree to disagree!

Yeah, I read your excerpts first. And it's fine to have the source in mind, I even like knowing the source myself, I just personally don't take such things into account when arguing. The way the manga presented the situation, my first thought was that he was merely stalling for time so Karen and Ooiso (weird-sounding name) could get away. I thought he was planning to slip away when they were safe, until the 'monpare' showed up. At that point, he just couldn't leave them, since he would be no better than them. IIRC, when he 'recruited' Karen they had just left her as bait for a 'monpare', and he went on a spiel about adventurers needing to protect people and that whole trope. So, sticking around was really just him practicing what he preaches, risking life and limb for his ideals.

I feel the same, it's been fun discussing with you. My last involved discussion on here devolved into trolling, and people just ignoring me when I presented page-links as evidence to refute a point.😅

So thanks!
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
No problem! I'm glad you also enjoyed our discussion. It's terribly frustrating when you're trying to have a nice, wholesome conversation but the other party refuses to cooperate and take you seriously. Thankfully, most of my discussions I've had so far on this site have ended on a good note, so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that regard.

Anyway, yeah, I believe we've both said our pieces and shared our thoughts, and I reckon we've come to a decent enough conclusion (partly agreeing, partly disagreeing), so this should be a pretty good place to stop, otherwise I fear this could go on forever, and fun as this has been, we definitely have other things to do, and I'd rather not take any more of your time.

If fate allows, we'll get to have another discussion like this in the future.

May you have a lovely day!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@feha He may be thinking that its better for them to die against monsters than by his hand or at least give them the chance. The monsters have to be dealt with or they would flood out of the dungeon and MC ain't one of those op mcs so he has to take advantage of others.
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
(Since this isn't a grammar edit, I'm using another comment for this.)

Also, your theory about what the protagonist's planning is very reasonable, and it'd make far more sense than how the LN turns out. Moreover, sticking around as a way to remain true to his beliefs does make some sense, when you put it that way, but I'm still of the of the opinion he should've have let them behind (or, even better: actually saving them before personally killing them; that'd be the best of both worlds; he gets to stray true to his ideals and still has his revenge, not to mention that also implies playing with them; on the other hand, that'd be too manipulative and ruthless (and, to a certain extent, Machiavellian) of him, so I'd definitely find it odd if someone as simple-minded as him could come up with something like this).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Wow, comments exploded.

If it is me, I would try to get them to the surface too as long as it isn't too risky, or that they have a chance to slip the justice. With all sh*t they did, they deserved all retaliation before they die. And MC is pretty guaranteed his survival with his stealth and those eels. Sure if they become too much burdens, I guess I'll be fine with just abaddonment, though they deserve worse.

Just in case, I never said I would bring them back safely, nor even all three of them.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
Hurt your party member , threaten you , want to rape your party , and you forgive them so easily and joking with them ?

Braindead MC right here
May 20, 2020
well i guess that's it for me. dropped this one.
while he could easily deal with them and get the hell out before all the monster come out.
but no he decide to hear them out and even has a time to play the "tsukkomi" on those guys joke.
even after all that he offering to help them and stay there do nothing till one of those degenerate killed by monster. that's a really dick move

i can understand it if its the mc that got hurt because of them. but it's someone else that get hurt.
so yeah in my opinion this mc is too stupid to become mc
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
There is no amount of cleverness or goodwill that should allow murderers and rapists to live.

Bury them alive at a crossroads, with a spear in their gut.

Moron MC.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@liquidxlax that is my point, he is putting his own life at risk trying to keep them alive during a monster stampede, when he could let them die to monsters (would also not need to stain his own hands afterwards, then). He should just have removed his mask and assassinated the entire stampede at his own leisure.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 22, 2018
Maybe he's giving them false hope and will kill them later when they least expect it?
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
I agree that the dumbasses need the death penalty but our main character here is not physically strong enough to fuck up the whole parade, or else he would’ve carried them

They said it was an “owner” monster parade so it’s prolly much stronger
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2018
I give a lot of leeway to passive, guileless MC's willing to eat mountains of shit because something something standing up for yourself and others would be rude something something. Not personally killing a pack of rapist murderers? Fine. They're heinous scumbags but I can't fault MC for not wanting to kill when he technically doesn't have to. But instantly working with them to save their lives for absolutely no benefit? This MC is equal parts baffling and pathetic.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 30, 2018
you commenters have no sense of humor, he was having a comedy routine with rapists/murderers who just assaulted his only friend, dont you find its funny.
I bet hes going to make a rape joke with his friend next chaper
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 4, 2018
70 comments on the last chapter over the course of 3 months, MC does the dumbest shit ever, 250+ comments in 12 hours. Author is big brain
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2020
Obviously anyone is pissed because I'm too 🤣

Seriously I can't defend him on this one. Those guys are murderer and rapists. There's no reason to leave them alive! And what did he do? Not only he didn't punish them in any mean and form, he defending them from the monster. There's a limit for good will and I believe it should be use for these trashes!

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