also if my guess is correct, the reason the party is disbanded is because their feeling of guilt over His injuries. especially since it make him quit from adventuring. my guess is Percival is keep fighting as his coping mechanism, Kasim giving up because he can't find anything that can heal Bell injuries (especially when he thought it was too late anyway), and the elf girl probably still searching for any medicine to help bell until now
Mostly correct, they do feel guilty about Bel, so they stick together for a while to find a way to heal Bel. However without Bel being the sane man and the mediator, the 3 of them having different ideas on how to proceed, they couldn't come to a compromise and eventually split up.
if i recall int he LN yes he do meets her its been a while tho so i dont recall when i belive he does meet everyone from his party again
now moving on from that you know
its kinda funny but Ange aint here so like its gonna be fun to be like oh yeah Ange you got a new younger sibling back home
so that means you have 2 siblings with charlotte been one too
fuck it make it 3 acutalyl since Byakkun probaly coming along too
I admit I kinda find funny that despite the characters still keeping the lid on things Daddy Ogre already easily put one and one together on what Angie did
The best part though was the Elf looking at our Edge Lord and realizing she is looking at her past self ... and realising how cringe she was
Yes. Kasim is the first since he escaped with Angie and he meets Belgrieve. Then Belgrieve, Kasim and Angie’s party will go on a journey to find the other two. This leads to finding Percival next. After a rough reunion, Percival joins and they go to find Satie. Satie is found coincidentally and the group get involved in an incident. Satie and Belgrieve finally reunite. Belgrieve and his former party members stick together and head back home.
What were Belgrieve’s former party members doing after Belgrieve disappeared?
The three panicked at first, wondering if Belgrieve was okay. Then they focused their goal on finding some way to heal Belgrieve’s leg. They were following leads to medicines, spells, anything that would heal Belgrieve’s leg. However the search took so many years with no results. This is when the party fell apart. Percival had a different goal he wanted and that was revenge. He had partially thought Belgrieve had died and all he could think about was killing the monster that took Belgrieve’s leg. Percival and Satie had fought a lot, but Percival took it one step too far and it broke the party. Satie never gave up on the search. Percival left to find the monster to kill it. Kasim tried to do the same as Satie but he ended up giving up in despair as there didn’t seem to be any kind of hope for the search. Satie in her search ends up getting involved with the main antagonist, since she exhausted all other leads
Angie’s origins?
Angie is a success of the experiments that the main antagonist was after. Satie is her mother, there is no biological father. After Satie finds out that she got experimented on, as the pregnancy progressed she became worried since the main antagonist disposed of failures. Through a pact with an old god, she gained the ability to teleport(it is conditional since she’ll lose that ability if she is too far from the old god for too long), in her desperation she teleported to a random location, a forest where she left the baby Angie. Satie teleports back to the main antagonist to pretend to cooperate while secretly going against him and shortly after Belgrieve finds baby Angie and raises her.
Belgrieve and Satie, do they get together?
Yes, after the two reunite. From their discussion about things, Belgrieve figures out Satie is Angie’s mother. After being told that Satie and Angie quickly bond as mother and daughter. Later after living together with Belgrieve and family and friends back home. Belgrieve and Satie get married with some help from everyone.
Does the main antagonist find out about Angie?
Yes, he does. After Belgrieve and Satie are married, the main antagonist makes his move on Angie.
How big is Belgrieve’s family?
Quite a big family by the end. Angie being his adopted daughter. Then he adopts Mit. He adopts both Charlotte and Byakuya, the latter still acting like he does. He also adopts a pair of twins that were also experiments that Satie tried to hide them from the main antagonist. Satie joins him as his wife. Graham acts like the grandfather of the kids.
Is Belgrieve strong? Or what is special about Belgrieve?
Belgrieve is fairly strong but he doesn’t have the stamina to fight long. Against S ranks, because of his observation skills, he can fight them but not for long. His best position in the party is the center, where he can support the vanguards or the backline. He also is good at giving orders to the party with his observation skills. It’s these observation skills that shine during the journey to find his former party members. Angie notes that she feels at ease knowing her father is supporting her when in combat.
What were Belgrieve’s former party members doing after Belgrieve disappeared?
The three panicked at first, wondering if Belgrieve was okay. Then they focused their goal on finding some way to heal Belgrieve’s leg. They were following leads to medicines, spells, anything that would heal Belgrieve’s leg. However the search took so many years with no results. This is when the party fell apart. Percival had a different goal he wanted and that was revenge. He had partially thought Belgrieve had died and all he could think about was killing the monster that took Belgrieve’s leg. Percival and Satie had fought a lot, but Percival took it one step too far and it broke the party. Satie never gave up on the search. Percival left to find the monster to kill it. Kasim tried to do the same as Satie but he ended up giving up in despair as there didn’t seem to be any kind of hope for the search. Satie in her search ends up getting involved with the main antagonist, since she exhausted all other leads
So because he didn't bother properly close things off with his party members and just up and left, he subjected them to decades of grief and powerless meandering. What an asshole
Thank you for the chapter! I appreciate all the people putting spoilers in here too, it helps sate my curiosity and gives me some things to look forward to.