Boy's Abyss - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Abyss


Jan 18, 2018
I can't see MC ending up with Nagi.
I hope for at least a happy ending, where MC leaves his shitty home town for the bigger city.
May 27, 2020
This mangga is like so deeep broooo.
I mean she wants to die, but not because she has reeeasons to die, but only cause she has no reeeasons to live. Damn so deeeep brooo.
Teh last scene too reminds me of this Daizai Osamo guy with his no longer humen book where the protagonist tried to double suicide with his wamen by drowning in the river too during a storm. This is so deep bro. 😩😩😩
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2018
I want the MC to leave the town and go to Tokyo with his little friend. Enroll in school, do something. Just get away from his toxic family and that other dude.

Surprised to see that this is by the author of that Hatsukoi Zombie series. I hope this one doesn't drag on and end poorly
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2020
Kind of reminded me of that scene from shin angel where the mc asked the girl if he could bang her before she offed herself.
May 9, 2018
What a dark story, title being abyss and all, I still hope through a miracle reiji and nagi can find solace in each other and leave the town which seems to be the abyss
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
Imagine the first humans, and all the shit they went through just to survive. So many people are in dire situations, way worse than these people, yet they fail to see the positives and think they are the only ones suffering. The boy has led a shitty life so far, but we haven't seen him try and change that. This is what pisses me off. People take their lives because they haven't really fucking tried to change. They then expect to get a better life afterwards, but they don't deserve a second chance because they haven't valued life in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
@XNovalX while the anger is understandable, what you don’t understand is how depression works. It’s something people don’t really understand unless they’ve gone through it themselves.

When you’re depressed, you’re thoughts aren’t your own. You’re mind feels clouded and the only thoughts that make you feel anything are the negative thoughts. You know it’s bad and even though you try to put positive thoughts in your head, depression won’t allow those thoughts to stay. Depression isn’t a switch that can turn off when you want. It’s for that reason that people start looking for anything that can relieve them of the pain they’re feeling. The most logical solution to them becomes death.

When I hear other people say that they want to die, I pity them because I know what it’s like. Because I know what it’s like, I can try to help them. People like you that only get mad don’t help then in the slightest. By getting angry, the only thing you are doing is validating the thoughts of the depressed. You’re giving them further proof that they should die because they made someone angry. You cause them stress and make them think that if they die, they won’t upset anyone anymore.

If you want people to value their lives then you need to start by valuing they’re thoughts, accepting they’re thoughts, and telling them, with care, why these thoughts are wrong. They need to know why they are so special and why they’re lives are important to you. That’s how you help someone with depression. Not with anger but with love.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I really want the both of them to die, because it's not getting better for either one, for our MC, it's selling his life away and for the girl, i can only imagine what that guy is doing with her.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
On a scale of 1 to 10 how entitled can you be?

So many people are in dire situations, way worse than these people, yet they fail to see the positives and think they are the only ones suffering.

Just because other people are suffering more doesn't discredit their suffering. This isn't a contest my man.

The boy has led a shitty life so far, but we haven't seen him try and change that. This is what pisses me off. People take their lives because they haven't really fucking tried to change.

Did you even read the story? This is like asking someone poor to stop being poor or homeless people to stop being homeless. You think they want to be in that position? If they can change it they will. The problem is they cant. Changing is hard even for a normal person. Imagine someone in a truly hard situation.

They then expect to get a better life afterwards, but they don't deserve a second chance because they haven't valued life in the first place.

You should really try to put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Everybody deserves a second chance. And it's kinda hard to value life in the first place if all you went through are pains and hardship you know.

Relevant meme for your statement
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
@Flavor25 You said a lot of good stuff that has opened my eyes, and that has made me seen things a little differently. I guess I must have had a misunderstanding of depression as a whole. I blame my ignorance first, but I believe the media is to blame for its poor portrayal. I haven't necessarily been depressed to the stage that death would be satisfying, but I occasionally feel a void in my heart that makes me think deep on the current life I lead, and whether or not it is worth it. I still do believe people need to try and make a difference in their lives if they need to cure their depression because I value life, and I angers me to see people treat it with very little respect.
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
@Sonaldo I may have said some extreme shit, but that basis of the message is something important. If I were to discredit others suffering, I wouldn't have acknowledged the MC's pain in the first place. Of course, people take suffering in different ways, but the essence of my argument was that valuing life is important.
The MC being poor isn't necessarily the root of his depression, but that your explanation on changing his situation isn't what I was pointing towards. The MC hasn't stood up to the problem; being his mother, grandmother and childhood friend. Without a doubt, that is hard, but do you see the point that he hasn't really tried? No one said life was easy, I know how hard it can be, but to not stand up to the problem at face value, and trying to run away from the issue by committing suicide is the weakest solution. People deserve second chances in this life, but if they selfishly cling on to the hope of a second life, while choosing death to escape their problems and as a means to get rid of their pain, they are also getting rid of their existence.

That meme would be relevant if I said: "CuRe YoUr dEpResSIoN bY NoT BeInG DePrEsSEd", but my point is to emphasise, that death will not solve your problems. Depression is something vast and complex. It can be very different for anyone that has it, but if you think your pain will disappear by death, it would irrelevant
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019

>The boy has led a shitty life so far, but we haven't seen him try and change that.

Do you realise the degree of difficulty he will face if he decided to change? It's not as simple as going to the gym to be a healthier person. Try to put yourself in his shoes and you start to think that suicide isn't that bad. Asking him to value life when he literally has nothing to live for is weird. That's why people like us need to remind them there it will be better. Not being angry at them.

Sorry mate. Not trying to argue or anger you here. I too value life and believe that suicide is bad. But to be angry at people who is considering that option since it's the easiest and asking them to pick other options that are really really hard while not giving them our support is not the way to go.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
@XNovalX I’m glad you’re starting to understand it better. Just keep in mind that depression isn’t a switch. Even if someone who is depressed tries to do something to fix their depression, if they don’t get an immediate positive result from whatever they’re doing, then they start to think “hey this isn’t working even though it should. What else can I try?” and then depression tells them “You could die.” Since depression is a considered a mental illness, I like to treat it as an illness. If someone commits suicide, it’s not them hoping for a better life or 2nd life, it’s the sickness that killed them. This is where you should encourage them to get help and hope that it works for them.

The whole 2nd life thing is a more Japanese thought since they believe in reincarnation and 2nd lives. People that are depressed don’t usually think about “another life.” They just want to be relieved of the pain they’re feeling and think death is the best solution because it gives an immediate response. As such, they’re focus is more on their current life and pain. It’s not they don’t value life, it’s just that all the negative thoughts and pain wore them down so much that they now think death is a release.

As someone who is depressed but getting better, the best advice for the depressed that I have is to find someone who understands you. Some people who are depressed try therapy but sometimes it doesn’t work for them. It’s difficult to understand depression and help someone who is depressed if you haven’t gone through it yourself after all. My advice is to look for another therapist, one that does understand what depression is like and can help. Exercise also helps BUT the response isn’t immediate. You have to work out for at least 45 minutes for 5 days in order to start feeling the effects. Lastly, depressed people need a goal. A therapist will help set a goal for them that they can work towards. My goal, even though it’s a bit of a long shot, is to work at Nintendo. So I’ve been taking classes on Japanese and Computer Science so I can reach that goal. While the result isn’t immediate, it does preoccupy my mind so my depression isn’t given enough time to create negative thoughts and cause me to spiral.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Her not having reason to die and saying what her true said suspicious calling she doesnt exist

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