@Sonaldo I may have said some extreme shit, but that basis of the message is something important. If I were to discredit others suffering, I wouldn't have acknowledged the MC's pain in the first place. Of course, people take suffering in different ways, but the essence of my argument was that valuing life is important.
The MC being poor isn't necessarily the root of his depression, but that your explanation on changing his situation isn't what I was pointing towards. The MC hasn't stood up to the problem; being his mother, grandmother and childhood friend. Without a doubt, that is hard, but do you see the point that he hasn't really tried? No one said life was easy, I know how hard it can be, but to not stand up to the problem at face value, and trying to run away from the issue by committing suicide is the weakest solution. People deserve second chances in this life, but if they selfishly cling on to the hope of a second life, while choosing death to escape their problems and as a means to get rid of their pain, they are also getting rid of their existence.
That meme would be relevant if I said: "CuRe YoUr dEpResSIoN bY NoT BeInG DePrEsSEd", but my point is to emphasise, that death will not solve your problems. Depression is something vast and complex. It can be very different for anyone that has it, but if you think your pain will disappear by death, it would irrelevant