Considering how the church of humans thinks of Resurrection in this title, I think there's a good chance this Saintess will be forced to confront the reality of having to choose whether to live or die and come crawling back, just because she'll have nowhere else to go. Resurrection is treated as a blasphemous practice, Saintess Rael has been dead for centuries according to anyone who actually remembers her, or surviving church records, and if we add a dash of the faithful into the mix, equals, even if the Saintess is who she claims she is, she has commited an affront against God and must be cast out. Excommunication will likely also be on the table as part of the package. And at worst, she'd be accused of
a) being a liar/con artist.
b) being a witch,
c) possessed by demons,
d) sold her soul to the Demon Lord.
Therefore corrupt, must be cast out, and the incident covered up before she defiles the historical memory of her name.