Miss Luxia really is just on another level. Some of the Chinese comics with cheating, rapist men piss me off so bad. It's so satisfying that this story exists
This bitch is so dumb. She literally calls him useless and says that he needs his wife's money to survive, yet forces the divorce which will also take away the money she wants.
I really can't imagine how this is going to end......
All the other stories ended way more gruesomely for the cheaters!
Something terrible is bound to happen to them still, right?
I wonder if this cheating bastard will even suffer as much as the others. The 1st was murdered. 2nd drowned himself in alcohol and died in his apartment. 3rd suffered through hardships he never even thought possible because of 'true love' I wonder what will happen with Liang Qun
So guess Bai Ting is going to get dumped by the General next. The husband already has nothing and has to take care of his domineering cripple mother (can't imagine it getting any worst for him).