wow... congrats
I don't really mind you give us ads tbh.
Make it like a slide out ads from bottom which you can hide.
I see a lot of web novel translators use this kind of ads and for me that's the most acceptable one.
Well... this gray area sure is sucks...
I mean... you can't open the bank account...
Use prepaid card maybe? Such as Xbox gift card or something?
I can buy Xbox gift card pretty easy
The problem is someone must buy the card hahaha...
Maybe... just maybe... you can open a small market where the people who has cryptocurrency will send it to you when I give him Xbox Gift card, lol..
Well... we can't trust anybody hahaha
edit: hey... I know... you might want to have a collab with users in a country to sell a T-shirt designed by the communities and the users will send you some of the profit back to you.
And I just read about solo leveling....
Maybe... they can divide the chapter into small parts that will be released in a span of "n" day.
just to load balance the server.
I mean... it is better to have spike on each day rather than a very big spike on a day
That... is a great idea!!!
you get a big revenue from the ads!!
But to make it "fair", the policy about ads must be transparent such as
"we only give ads to the top 'n' series" because they are the bandwidth hogging tbh.
And to make it smooth, the TL and Mangadex should discuss if the series can be put ads in it.