Clarification on rules and moderation

Clarification on rules and moderation

  • Yes, I believe that the current rules should be more clearly defined and fleshed out so that all loo

    Votes: 591 26.1%
  • No, I believe that the rules are fine as written and that current moderation efforts are satisfactor

    Votes: 1,448 64.0%
  • No, I believe that the moderation team is too harsh and rules should be more lax.

    Votes: 224 9.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Over the internet on a manga forum often frequented by manchildren and actual kids? Sure, it's being petty and a snowflake who needs to grow a thicker skin. You can be offended 24/7 by what somebody writes, but that's on you. If the goal was to offend, then you getting pissed is exactly the reaction that this person wanted to get out of you. If that wasn't the goal then you probably interpreted it offensively, which you shouldn't have (off the basic principles necessary for a discussion). So in either case censorship is detrimental. Closing your eyes and plugging your ears won't make idiots disappear, at most it may also silence people that actually had a point. I'd also much rather idiots out themselves by writing all the crap they can come up with, by being bigots, racists, and sexists, than have those hide and act as if they do not exist in the community.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
remove comment section altogether so all of you can go back to reddit and hug each other there
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
In my experience, people who ask for others to be subjected to more/stricter rules do so not out of concern for the medium or community, but because they wish to become "rules lawyers" and weaponize the new/stricter rules to serve their own ends.
Jun 8, 2019
Honestly I'm ok with moderation as it is right now. But all this talk about thought-policing, and you're telling me I'm not allowed to react in any way because I'm petty and a snowflake?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@strat_five I haven't even touched upon what you're "allowed" to do. The only thing that I did was explain why it would be justified calling this petty, since you seemed to not understand why this would be the case.

@Suzuran People that cannot argue with an opinion/type of behaviour which causes them great cognitive dissonance see the need to make it disappear/hide it through whatever means. They'll use whatever pretext to make this happen and will try to rationalize their behaviour whenever confronted about it.
As an anecdotal example, I had a mod in myanimelist delete a forum topic of mine with over 100 replies because he obviously disagreed with the opinions expressed in it (it didn't break any rules), he was later on warned by an admin.
Unfortunately, I believe this type of behaviour is quite common, especially among the manga/anime community for whatever reasons.
Jan 31, 2018
idk what the solution would be, but I think it's a shame that scanlators hijack an author's work to be pricks and flame each other.
May 4, 2018
This means that we will not interfere with sniping, which is the practice in which groups/translators "steal" a series from a group that is already working on said series

I can get behind this, like I had said before there's no reason for someone to bitch about a free service.

But I can see how that's a big downside for people as the current follows system doesn't have a real means of alerting you to a end chapter snipe. I'd still like to see an option to block groups like you can tags so if there's a group a person really doesn't like (sniping, instigating issues, etc.) We can just flat out block them if we so choose.

Other than that I've never had issues with the moderation so no issues from me there.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
The Elusive Taco asks someone on Twitter if they can translate their work and post it to Mangadex. The creator looks at other works that have been posted and sees they're loaded with so-called credits pages filled with angry political memes. They say "no", and also potentially "Please remove everything else of mine from this site or I'll call a lawyer". This is bad for Mangadex.

What absolute horseshit. First of all, if a Japanese mangaka was good enough in english to understand english political memes on Mangadex, Elusive Taco wouldn't be needing to translate for them.

What is ACTUALLY going to happen, and as Elusive Taco has stated what has happened, is that some mangaka do not want unlicensed reproductions and want to control their creations. Which is entirely fine and is their right to do so. And Elusive Taco being the awesome person he is respects that.

Look, I get it. You don't like some of this stuff. Fine. But don't go about fabricating bullshit scenarios that you know are never going to happen because they logically don't make any sense just to try and prove your point. That's just being intellectually dishonest.
Apr 19, 2018
@definitionofinsanity lol nice work living up to the username

you seem the type to want to say shit that would probably get you in trouble without fear of reprisal. "why so mad, snowflake" is not a good argument against moderation. I absolutely have seen people say "this bitch sucks, someone should rape/murder her" in comments, it's a fucked up mentality and should be shut down when it crops up. And let's not even get into when trans characters appear, holy moly.

also lol "won't someone think of the self-admitted whores!" as a defense of terribly misogynistic posting. you've got brainworms, friendo.
Group Leader
Mar 30, 2018
Hold up, so all this is because one group (Group A) sniped another group (Group B) and left a "mean" message about donations. Then because MD refused to pull that credit page/chapter/etc. of Group A, Group B and another Group C pulled their chapters off the site.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
lol nice work living up to the username
That was cringe.

you seem the type to want to say shit that would probably get you in trouble without fear of reprisal.
...Huh? What the fuck does that even mean? And how would it be relevant? If anything, this sounds like projection.

'why so mad, snowflake' is not a good argument against moderation.
Straw man argument. It says more about you that that is the conclusion you drew.

I absolutely have seen people say "this bitch sucks, someone should rape/murder her" in comments, it's a fucked up mentality and should be shut down when it crops up.
1.) Link to it, then.
2.) Whoa, what a fucking minute here. YOU were the one that said people were commenting that they wanted female characters raped based on their hymen status. Now you're moving the fucking goalpost by saying "w-w-w-well... MEAN PEOPLE WERE SAYING 'this character sucks, kill them!'"? First of all, if you're so god damn fragile that someone saying that they wished that a fictional character was killed off upsets you, I beg of you to seek professional help - pronto. Secondly, that is not racist/homophobic/misogynistic/whatever else you want to quote from your Tumblr blog. Third, that isn't what you were initially alleging and it's telling you're backpedaling like fuck when called on it. It's almost like you're full of shit.

And let's not even get into when trans characters appear, holy moly.
Yes, we all know how hated characters like Astolfo, Felix and Bridgette are and how there's absolutely no such terrible oppressive nazi 4chan alt-right memes in the weeb community about how guys make the best girls.
Forged in the fires of Mount Doom4chan, the one ringmeme to rule them all...




Much transphobic. Very misogyny. You can basically feel the nazi-altright-4chan-misogynist-racist-homophobic waves radiating from the very pixels that form the images. Even RoboHitler is horrified.
Is this your first day on the internet? Welcome.

also lol 'won't someone think of the self-admitted whores!' as a defense of terribly misogynistic posting. you've got brainworms, friendo.
Another straw man argument. And you're just showcasing how cancerous your mentality is where you immediately made yourself into a black hole (*gasp* RACIST!) of self-awareness by doing exactly what I fucking said moral busybodies like yourself would do by going straight to the "you're a... [pulls card] MISOGYNIST!" behavior that is so fucking standard that you're a self-made meme at this point. Poe's Law is in full effect. You're so much of a god damn self-inflicted meme at this point that I can't tell if you're a parody or just a walking, talking meme that hasn't realized it yet.

...That's how fucking silly you have become.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
nice meltdown
Projection, much?

unbelievably white guy
Did you just assume my gender?

you smack of someone who's never struggled or faced discrimination in your entire life lol
Yes, because I'm sure you have, CaptainFirstworldproblems. Please, regale us with your tales of trials and tribulations where how you discriminated for your choice of favorite Pokemon. And how you overcame the soul crushing event of having someone else tell you that they didn't like the character you liked. So Stunning™ and Brave®.

edit: lmao after we were told to knock it off the guy who hates "snowflakes" sent me a real angry PM and blocked me so I couldn't reply. for someone telling people off for having thin skin, he's sure able to dish it out but can't take it!

Literally more predictable than clockwork. And further proof that you of how dishonest and fake you are.
By the way? You were blocked for... a whopping 30 minutes when I knew you were online. And I did so precisely because I wanted to make this point to you that blocking can work instead of being an authoritative shithead and demanding others bend the knee to your whims. Exactly like I outlined in my first reply to you. Not only did that not get through to you, but you even completely ignored that I suggested that to you to begin with. Intellectually dishonest and predictable - to a fault. (And your insistence to continue with the "MUH SNOPHLAKE" nonsense which is something you made up is all the more proof.)

By the way, in full transparency, if anyone is wondering what horrible, angry PM I sent him and he couldn't reply to for the grand total of a half hour:
if anyone somehow still questioned whether you were a piece of shit before, this should solidify it
If you're delusional. Which, as we've seen, you are.

you're getting outraged people are suggesting you might get punished for, say, the above line, which absolutely should be a punishable thing since it's a typical chud meme to belittle lgbtq+ people's struggles. your mentality is legitimately a sick one and I hope you get therapy, because you've got Problems.
What a fucking pathetic virtue signaling fraud you are. You are the exact kind of cancer that shouldn't be policing others and simply want to do it to fuel your own ego. Fuck off.

(Sent a whopping 47 minutes ago)

It's rather hilarious that you're predictably pathetic enough that I can expect what response to get and what mental gymnastics you'll employ. What's doubly hilarious is that despite telling you to utilize the block button and using it as an opportunity to showcase it to you... You still only thought of your frail ego. Wew lad.

EDIT2: And it appears he blocked me! Huzzah! Success! Granted I've trained dogs more easily than this, but I'll take what I can get.
(Oh, and BTW, he's still not blocked.)
Apr 19, 2018
Did you just assume my gender?
if anyone somehow still questioned whether you were a piece of shit before, this should solidify it

you're getting outraged people are suggesting you might get punished for, say, the above line, which absolutely should be a punishable thing since it's a typical chud meme to belittle lgbtq+ people's struggles. your mentality is legitimately a sick one and I hope you get therapy, because you've got Problems.

edit: lmao after we were told to knock it off the guy who hates "snowflakes" sent me a real angry PM and blocked me so I couldn't reply. for someone telling people off for having thin skin, he's sure able to dish it out but can't take it!

Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Ok guys, that's enough.

Take it to PM. This isn't the place.
Active member
Apr 23, 2018
The problem with this poll is that the vast majority of users won’t see it or won’t care to participate, so you’re only going to receive votes and comments from very motivated people either way. Keeping that all in mind, and as someone who voted for option three, I cannot stress enough to this website’s administration that whether users can even comment at all matters much less than keeping upload inhibition minimized, and that this is a result of the way this website treats groups and uploaders.

If a scanlation group decides things are too restrictive or that they don’t like the site’s rules (for instance, Fallen Angels scans) they will leave and take their scans/tls with them. If someone outside of the group reuploads chapters, this website will take them down, unless the administration decides to ignore/change/inconsistently apply the site’s policies in regards to respecting scanlation group takedown requests. Going down that rabbit hole, this website could very quickly become just another, less shit version of other websites. In those circumstances, the only options for retaliation a scanlation group dealing with a host not their own would have (that I can think of) are ddosing, trying to involve the publishers/authors, or outright refusing to produce scanlations. None of these would be good for this website or readers. Granted, this heavily assumes action taken on the part of scanlators, but increasing regulations would bring increasing unsatisfaction among an increasing number of both readers and scanlators. This website is in a really good spot right now in that regard, and should either stay where it is or move in a more open direction to stay in said good spot.

On to the actual point. Seeing as how the holy trinity for any media website is viewers, content, and website function/features, it seems obvious that you would want to do whatever you reasonably can to appeal to those willing to provide you with free content. I like this website, so please don’t push people away with censorship or preferential treatment. Do not open the door even slightly to such behavior, because it will very likely continue and worsen. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all making that mistake, and they are and paying for it in both credibility and real funds. They were platforms that became publishers. Please do not become a publisher.

As a user, the reasons I prefer this website to its alternatives are as follows: convenience, quality, and assurance. I enjoy the features memebership brings, and there are plenty available even for guest users. I feel safe creating an account and navigating this website without fear of malware or misused ad revenue. I enjoy the quality and amount of posts uploaded on an unbelievably frequent basis. I feel invested in this website, so much so that I voted in a poll and wrote this long ass comment about my general sense of unease about it’s future in response to even the NOTION of an increase of moderator intervention. A website this good doesn’t come along often, and they don’t tend to stick around forever. And even saying that, I’m still willing to drop it for the next the moment it becomes unpalatable or corrupted from its original purpose. But I’d rather not have to find a replacement or go back to the old ones quite so soon after getting here.

Edit: if this should have been spoilered for length or something, let me know
Jun 9, 2019
Ive been browsing this site since about January, but never bothered to reg instead relying on ye olde bookmarks. Probably also wont be coming back after this, so I dont have much stakes in whatevers going on with this site, but with recent shift in social media rules almost everywhere (reddit, twitter, tumblr, mal, youtube), I would like to ask of you, where do you think that mommy-state-police-everything-vaguely-unpleasant mindset comes from.

As far as I can tell, its economics motivated by culture. In regards to moderation and shitposting, the first big blowout took place here about half a year ago (I've actually tabularized it, because it introduces"hate speech" as a term, without clear definition - which seems to be universal occurrence):

That thread I believe was started because of innocuous comment made here (again, clown word example if Ive ever seen one):

Group Leader
Apr 3, 2018
Imagine people hoping that it won't end up like Batoto when things are already well on their way to becoming just that 🤡
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