Still, even if they only mentioned the special recomendation ones, the Charlotte's items' list should be there too, with all the (from the score I guess) 8 items reported.
And for the mobs, even if they are grouped together, realistically at least their names should have been printed. Otherwise what need to do, just guess if they are part of those 12?
All that I'm saying is that the final paper that we readers see is not the same that in-universe is affixed, but a similar version only focusing on what we readers are following (in the same way that Charlotte looking at the fourth wall doing victory sign is only for the viewers sake). For the general trend of the story this is not really important, I would have appreciated had them drawn maybe multiple papers, each with the party list, but cutting everyone other than Claus's and Charlotte's out of frame. Still, the way they end up doing it is not so bad.