Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara - Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Shot in the dark, polygamy will be implemented in the end of this story and he'll choose all the love interests.
what do you mean end?

it's a 1:5 ratio... it'd be silly for it to not already be implemented just based on that.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2024
Honestly this gives off the feeling its actually gonna try to do proper romance stuff like focusing on individual characters and not just focus on horny bait like others in this genre. Whether that will pay off and be done well will remain to be seen.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 15, 2024
I can see the appeal that 1:5 has and 1:39 doesn’t. From where this is going I can infer that the heroines will have personalities instead of mindless sex fiends. By keeping it pseudo realistic it keeps the attention span of the 13 yr olds out there
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
The last few pages with the dark haired girl doing a voiceover is really confusing.

I like Koumi even though she gave off a bit of a Kazuya vibe there. Hopefully she can suppress that side of herself asap.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
How many chapters is drawn by author/artist until now? I know that it's novel so many chapters are written. I want to know about chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2019
is he still underage? otherwise why would he need a guardian?
Aug 29, 2024
bullshit. Being difficult is the main reason. There are numerous studies that show why women choose the professions and careers they do. Sexual Harassment on the job, while certainly there, doesn't exist exclusively in jobs that require hard labour, or in greater amounts than an office setting. Your premise is completely nonsensical and not based on fact.
66% of women who work in construction experience sexual harassment or gender bias while only making 11% of the workers in the industry. manufacturing work has the 3rd highest rates of sexual harassment, is it that hard to understand that a woman who is looking to go into this field would find these studies and have that as their main reason to not want to work there?

then again most women just dont consider working in construction because they just dont see it as a viable option. why? because its male dominated. for most women the thought of working in construction would never cross their mind due to pre-established norms for that work field. if it helps you, think of the childcare worker industry. 92.3% are women and 7.7% are men. why dont more men work there? they just dont even consider working as one in the first place. construction is seen as a mans job and as such women dont think of working there. childcare work is seen as a womans job and so men dont think to work there.

the sexual harassment rates are the main reason as to why a women looking to work in construction would turn away at this point and pre-established norms for the workers of construction are why most women dont work there.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
66% of women who work in construction experience sexual harassment or gender bias while only making 11% of the workers in the industry. manufacturing work has the 3rd highest rates of sexual harassment, is it that hard to understand that a woman who is looking to go into this field would find these studies and have that as their main reason to not want to work there?

then again most women just dont consider working in construction because they just dont see it as a viable option. why? because its male dominated. for most women the thought of working in construction would never cross their mind due to pre-established norms for that work field. if it helps you, think of the childcare worker industry. 92.3% are women and 7.7% are men. why dont more men work there? they just dont even consider working as one in the first place. construction is seen as a mans job and as such women dont think of working there. childcare work is seen as a womans job and so men dont think to work there.

the sexual harassment rates are the main reason as to why a women looking to work in construction would turn away at this point and pre-established norms for the workers of construction are why most women dont work there.
Youre so close to getting it but somehow you keep failing. Nothing you said proves your point that women don't go into construction because of sexual harassment and gender bias. I could say the same thing about the example you provided, that 7.7% of men primarily don't go into childcare because of sexual harassment and gender bias. But I'd be equally wrong because theres no proof of it. It could be a factor, but it's not the MAIN factor. You can't just quote some random vague survey of workers about harassment and jump to the conclusion that that is why women don't join male dominated fields. Find me a survey that explicitely states your point, that women don't work in construction because of perceived sexual harassment.. rather than the more likely scenario that their interests lie elsewhere, that they'd rather choose a job that doesn't require hard labor. In fact, the survey you mentionned was surveying people in the industry, not asking why people who aren't in the industry choose not to.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I feel like the author kept forgetting the premise of the story he's writing. He keeps throwing in these tropes but he's forgetting that these tropes work because they're MALE-centered in MALE-centered universes. In a world with such a massive gender skew, where women are the dominant and aggressive sex, they don't work.

For example, guys being arrogant about who they date. If women are as overly aggressive as they appeared in the first couple of pages, few guys would act like that so it shouldn't be a normative thing. Why? Because getting constantly hit on and seen as a sex object doesn't innately instill confidence, it mainly instills annoyance and disgust for the people who go through it.

Another one is that part about "Treating people like equals" when looking for a guy. Author-san, in this world, GUYS should be thinking that! Women are the DOMINANT SEX! They're the ones in position of power, they're the ones initiating and objectifying by your own mouth! You literally showed us the female equivalent of a Playboy who can't take "No" for an answer hitting on MC!

It just feels like he's throwing out the premise whenever it's convenient and expecting the reader not to notice.
There's only more women, but they aren't the dominant sex in anything but in democratic politics (voting power).

They didn't indicate that men in this world are weaker. The 1-to-1 power dynamics still favor the man, moreso now that they each have their own harems. Even if a woman could be overly aggressive, it's not out of a man's power to be able to drive away harassment, especially if it would lead to violence.

Men in this world aren't actually that much different from the top 0.1% of men in our world. Perhaps the only thing off is that none of the men in this world are ugly lmao. Women are still going to be picky even with a 1:5 ratio.
Aug 29, 2024
Youre so close to getting it but somehow you keep failing. Nothing you said proves your point that women don't go into construction because of sexual harassment and gender bias. I could say the same thing about the example you provided, that 7.7% of men primarily don't go into childcare because of sexual harassment and gender bias. But I'd be equally wrong because theres no proof of it. It could be a factor, but it's not the MAIN factor. You can't just quote some random vague survey of workers about harassment and jump to the conclusion that that is why women don't join male dominated fields. Find me a survey that explicitely states your point, that women don't work in construction because of perceived sexual harassment.. rather than the more likely scenario that their interests lie elsewhere, that they'd rather choose a job that doesn't require hard labor. In fact, the survey you mentionned was surveying people in the industry, not asking why people who aren't in the industry choose not to.
and your proof of women not going to construction because they don't like it? you are hopeless. all you have been talking about is opinions and speculation, you are a lost cause. nothing i say will go through that thick headed skull of yours, enjoy living life blind to the bigger picture as an idiot.
Active member
Apr 14, 2024
I've already broken down (several times) the socio-evolutionary impact of a 1:5 ratio as numerically, logistically and logically possible with scenario after scenario of how things would most likely pan out in the given setting. In no logical scenario would men act the way we've seen them potrayed and anyone whose run the numbers can see that. Even then I've said multiple times that I'm simply not a fan of the author window dressing things for the sake dropping it whenever it fits his fancy. That's it. I don't need the author to make some grand fantasy, but I'd like him to be consistent and he so far he isn't and that will continue to be my complaint until I see it change.

So I'm gonna respond on both the explicit and implied jabs you've just thrown with this line.

1. The first and only story I ever published was a best seller (author pay sucks by the way), I don't need to prove my chops to you.

2. Even if that wasn't the case, I'm free to critique whatever I want, wherever I want, however I want in as much detail as I want. You're not going to change that and my critique stands firm whether I write a story or not.

3. This isn't an argument or even a logical suggestion. In fact if you truly believe in such a stance, then any time you come across something that sours your experience, I expect you to take on a new field and do better so you can "be valid" in your own mind.

Plane ride too bumpy? Better become an engineer to make less bumpy planes.

Restaurant food bad? Better become a line chef before you say anything about the one who cooked your food.

Movie sucked? Hollywood is over there, buddy. Get crackin.

The author isn't free of my critique, and I'll critique how I see fit. Even though the chance he sees it is infintessimally small, I'll continue to vent my frustrations with it as much as I like, like many of the other readers on this site do. If you've got a problem with that then I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do or say that will change that.
It turns out that women are actually unusually strong compared to guys in this universe, and the MC is later pinned down by a 13 year old girl while seemingly being unable to physically resist (same girl carries him into the bushes and assaults him in another incident). This shocks him and he becomes somewhat more reserved and second guesses if the women around him are not just "friends" and are actually after his body. When the college girl and her friend invite him to an overnight stay at the beach he thought that in his old world it would be like a girl going with two guys and wanted to decline or bring along another guy, but due to peer pressure he still went along with it. He still acts in the usually "kind protagonist" manner for the most part though, but I get the impression he mostly acts that way because his old-world sensibilities make him think there's no way anyone sees him as a romantic interest; when they actually confess to him he reacts with shock and worry rather than happiness. E.g. OL confesses and tries to touch him, he reacts with fear and pushes her away, the college girls confess and he hasn't spoken to them for days as of the latest novel chapter.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
Oh boy and here I thought it would be a less yandere version of the story until that last panel hit
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2024
I've already broken down (several times) the socio-evolutionary impact of a 1:5 ratio as numerically, logistically and logically possible with scenario after scenario of how things would most likely pan out in the given setting. In no logical scenario would men act the way we've seen them potrayed and anyone whose run the numbers can see that. Even then I've said multiple times that I'm simply not a fan of the author window dressing things for the sake dropping it whenever it fits his fancy. That's it. I don't need the author to make some grand fantasy, but I'd like him to be consistent and he so far he isn't and that will continue to be my complaint until I see it change.

So I'm gonna respond on both the explicit and implied jabs you've just thrown with this line.

1. The first and only story I ever published was a best seller (author pay sucks by the way), I don't need to prove my chops to you.

2. Even if that wasn't the case, I'm free to critique whatever I want, wherever I want, however I want in as much detail as I want. You're not going to change that and my critique stands firm whether I write a story or not.

3. This isn't an argument or even a logical suggestion. In fact if you truly believe in such a stance, then any time you come across something that sours your experience, I expect you to take on a new field and do better so you can "be valid" in your own mind.

Plane ride too bumpy? Better become an engineer to make less bumpy planes.

Restaurant food bad? Better become a line chef before you say anything about the one who cooked your food.

Movie sucked? Hollywood is over there, buddy. Get crackin.

The author isn't free of my critique, and I'll critique how I see fit. Even though the chance he sees it is infintessimally small, I'll continue to vent my frustrations with it as much as I like, like many of the other readers on this site do. If you've got a problem with that then I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do or say that will change that.
The thing many Mangakas and even writters ignore is that when you use this theme of reversal gender social dynamic or "a world were women chase the men" you have to be thorough, you almost have to re-writte human history or keep it obscure, the variables are too many, for example who would be the dominant gender? males are still stronger physically, and more competitive, other mangakas resolve this by giving females a magically superior strength, (wich is dumb) but it makes sense since that is how we see the world and by simply changing gender roles authors create this kind of story.

And this is the root of all the issue, they just want a quick setting to develop this fantasy of being dessired by women, to be showered with attention, to have a women chasing you by simple being a man, or a submisive fetish. Authors dont care about the implications, plenty of mangas use this trope to milk this fantasy and get viewers, all through the lens of current japanese social condition. (Do it with a mexican MC and this would be a whole different story).

But my point is that None of them bother to worldbuild their premises right because they want to milk the fantasy not to properly write this complex and very interesting idea, and that is a sin for any creative author.

regarding the coments .... lets say some people would benefit from excercising their reading comprehension, and some from a psychologist.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
The thing many Mangakas and even writters ignore is that when you use this theme of reversal gender social dynamic or "a world were women chase the men" you have to be thorough, you almost have to re-writte human history or keep it obscure, the variables are too many, for example who would be the dominant gender? males are still stronger physically, and more competitive, other mangakas resolve this by giving females a magically superior strength, (wich is dumb) but it makes sense since that is how we see the world and by simply changing gender roles authors create this kind of story.

And this is the root of all the issue, they just want a quick setting to develop this fantasy of being dessired by women, to be showered with attention, to have a women chasing you by simple being a man, or a submisive fetish. Authors dont care about the implications, plenty of mangas use this trope to milk this fantasy and get viewers, all through the lens of current japanese social condition. (Do it with a mexican MC and this would be a whole different story).

But my point is that None of them bother to worldbuild their premises right because they want to milk the fantasy not to properly write this complex and very interesting idea, and that is a sin for any creative author.
Yeah I've noticed that a lot, especially recently, where the trend is quick junk-food fantasy over substance. Throw in all the tropes, think very little about the world at large, don't even try to be original and just make some cash and do it all over again.

regarding the coments .... lets say some people would benefit from excercising their reading comprehension, and some from a psychologist.
I've just gotten so tired of saying the same things over and over again. I'm just letting people talk at this point, so I'm not too bothered.

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