
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@doppler First off I want to say that I don't really have a problem with what you are offering so much as how you are offering it. On that end you will definitely receive thanks and appreciation from me, especially considering that you are going out of your way to post these things when you didn't have to.

That being said attempting to police the Internet before any true complaints or vitriol have been thrown your way is a fools errand and will undoubtedly have the opposite effect. Also please understand that even the most needy and desperate person can and will tell you to shove off if they perceive that the thing that they are being offered is given with some degree of scorn and contempt. For an example I could give money to the poor, but if I do so while also adding, "Get a job you lazy **expletive**" it would not be ungrateful for that person to refuse the money and some might even feel more dignity in eating from the trash than accepting handouts from an individual like that. I get it, really I do, people can be downright nasty and ungrateful on the Internet, and trolls don't make it any easier. That; however, does not change the fact that respect and goodwill are earned, not demanded.

Asking people to not be too negative with in their criticisms as you are posting this with the intent of helping them out will undoubtedly serve you far better than demanding they never issue negative comments or voice their opinions if their opinion isn't perfectly positive. Many people psychologically as a general rule do not respond well to authority, especially not on the internet. Besides if you are genuine in helping people out by helping them get access to lost chapters here they would not have had otherwise without going elsewhere, then you will almost certainly garner enough goodwill to have people in your corner to defend you when and if the haters do come.
Jan 29, 2018
@doppler the thing is when you say that, its like putting blood in the water for the sharks, i'm not going to argue whether or not you're right about the critique issue, im just saying TELLING people not to complain is the fastest way to get complaints lmao
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2018
Ever go shark fishing. The movie "Jaws" had it right. You cut up and throw over the side the smelliest nasty fish parts. My rule one is just chum. Meant to attract the sharks. This way I can tell friends from foes. Then it's easy reward the friends, kill the foes.
It's basically my way of using "Darwinism" to my advantage. Only the really low IQ would take the bait.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
This is one of few cases where his art got progressively worse over the time.
I mean, try compare the first chapter with the last 10 chapters.

In most cases, they would find their own style as the chapter goes on, with the most notable textbook example would be Tsutsui's BokuBen and Inaba Mifumi's Takagi-san.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2018
where did all the chapters go?

Scroll down a bit and you will see a chance to get the first 25 chapters.

As of this edit it's less than 24 hours left on the link. I have no plans to re-release the link.
Only less than 25 have taken the file. because of an error on my part I accidentally deleted
the link. It was reposted over 7 days ago. If the last edited time is over 24 hours the link is gone.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Guys, the original first 25 chapters are still up on multiple different sites. If you can use Google worth a damn you can find them within minutes.
All I'd ever ask is that you don't view them on the original scanlator's site because Patreon e-begging "I'm taking my ball and going home!" scanlators can go pound sand and doesn't deserve shit.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2019
This is enjoyable enough but I'm getting the bad feeling it might go the route of getting unnecessarily padded out into like 30+ chapter that drag it on, not even to mention we're probably only gonna get an ending with one single girl etc.

Edit: Oh I'm really getting those bad vibes now. Come on author, just give us the harem ending. Don't ruin this like so many others have
Double-page supporter
Feb 16, 2018
Since Doppler made it clear he's not gonna repost the first 25, just gotta hope someone else will. I know other scanlation sites do that, but it breaks my reading groove if I have to keep jumping sites. Not complaining to Doppler, for the record; he's made good points as to why. I appreciate anything new at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@ translator-kun she called him fuyu-nii ever since
he freed her from that collar.
and yes, it was translated as such in older chapters.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 1, 2018
hey gamers i reuploaded the first 25 chapters from Doppler

some ground rules v2:
1. feel free to complain, i'm not a lil bitch boy
2. don't reupload the chapters to mangadex

i renamed the contents to fit with my own collection's naming format, but it works exactly as you'd expect
link should stay active mostly forever since i'm using cloud storage rather than firefox send, and i shouldn't need to clear anything out for a while
missing PNGs are not missing he just didn't want credits pages etc etc (377.9 MB):
Jan 23, 2018
If you're an archivist and don't want to download compressed images, KissManga has chapters 1 through 25 in the original PNGs (not the compressed JPGs they usually have).

They may not be the true originals since the sizes aren't an exact match for the old batoto rips I have, but they're actually a bit bigger and are visually indistinguishable. They're almost double the size of this Doppler person's pack (721 MBs compared to 378 MB).
Jan 23, 2018

"All I'd ever ask is that you don't view them on the original scanlator's site"

This is an odd situation because that group never reuploaded a bunch of their old series when they took on a new name. So they won't host the releases, but they also won't let them be posted to MD, essentially holding those chapters hostage. There's no accounting for this scenario in MD's guidelines, so we're stuck going to other sources. This series got lucky that one of the scummy aggregators has the originals and not a compressed/watermarked version.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
This is an odd situation because that group never reuploaded a bunch of their old series when they took on a new name. So they won't host the releases, but they also won't let them be posted to MD, essentially holding those chapters hostage.

...Wow. I just figured and assumed that they'd have them hosted on their own site or Discord server or something. But to pull them because they got butthurt about Mangadex and wanted more Patreon money and then NOT HOST THE CONTENT is just... petty and stupid.

I have even less respect for them now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
kudos to your translation speed, dear translator. you'll be caught up in no time at this point ;)
Oct 3, 2019
It's rare to have to translate English into English when reading something. I know I'm not entitled to any sort of translations by any means, but when the effort put in is as low as it was in the latest chapter, it kind of makes me want my money back for something I never paid for.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
This story has no clue what it wants to be, is it a romcon with a supernatural element? A mystery story where the hidden pieces are leading to the main couples past? A shitty ecchi fan service gag story? or a low effort shounen battle manga about angels and demons, Nobody really knows but it fails at everything it seems to be aiming for so far.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
That was a chapter released by a talentless release sniper that has done that with multiple manga in the past. It wasn't WaveRSX, who has been translating that last dozen or so releases. Thankfully it doesn't seem like he'll continue.
May 13, 2019
Ya'll exaggerating, I can read it fine. There's a few localisms which have been written in that seem out of place but it's not that important. I'll support whoever makes legible translations the fastest.

If your group doesn't have capacity to release at an even pace with the original (or faster if playing catch up like this manga) then you shouldn't be translating it. The original group clearly can't keep up, so why should the series be held back by them.

I respect translators, I thank them for their efforts, but I lose that respect when they're holding on to a series and prolonging its releases purposefully. Presumably to pull people to their own site. Or simply cant handle the rate but refuse to let it go, which diminishes the benefit of their service for the community

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