Drunken Love - Ch. 56.5 - Author Review (end)

Fed-Kun's army
May 20, 2023
This will probably be long-winded but this was such a great series to work on. Probably my favorite series to translate because the characters were so dynamic. I think Jay and Neul were the favored couple among readers but I'm actually glad the author focused a good chunk of the side stories on Shinbi and Yeju. Translating S1 was a bit frustrating because Yeju was a frustrating character whose thoughts and intentions really weren't coherent or expressed well, but with these side stories we finally gained some insight. I only wish they were part of S1 because it would have definitely helped flesh out their story more and probably brought Yeju less hate lol

All that to say, I hope people discover this gem of a story and its characters and support the author because it really is one of the better Yuri's out there~!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
This was great! Will definitely reread this in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
All that to say, I hope people discover this gem of a story and its characters and support the author because it really is one of the better Yuri's out there~!

Definitely one of the better ones! The drama in this one is - like most Yuri stories - based on miscommunication but it is much more believable miscommunication than usual. Even Jay using Yeyu to make Neul jealous was understandable, Neul and Jay both have avoidant personalities and sure everything between them could have went much easier if they'd just talked it out when they were 17 but teenagers are immature. And they still were immature into their 20s, which fed their mutual obsession of Neul prioritizing Jay over every girlfriend she had and Jay having all these flings just to make Neul jealous to get her attention. A really interesting pair imo, much more so than Shinbi and Yeyu. Loved that they finally were able to be honest with each other in the end.

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